Progressive Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS-P)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) initially affects cognitive function & can be divided into 4 stages: preclinical, mild, moderate, & severe. In the preclinical stage, patients often demonstrate minimal cognitive impairment with memory loss usually being the first visible sign.
Physical Therapy Examination
General Considerations
Use alerting cues & simple commands if patient demonstrates signs of dementia
Provide reassurance & familiarity in place and activity selections
May need family member assistance
History (Refer to Tab 2)
Aerobic Capacity/Endurance
Assess BP, HR, & RR at rest & during & after activities
If possible, administer 2-minute walk test & Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (Tab 2) to determine measured & perceived exertion
Anthropometric Characteristics
Arousal, Attention, and Cognition
Administer Mini-Mental State Exam (Tab 2) to assess orientation, cognition, short- & long-term memory, & communication
Patients with AD may
Become easily confused & disoriented regarding date, time, & place
Exhibit "sundowning" behaviors (increased risks of wandering, agitation, & confusion in late afternoon)
Experience hallucinations, agitation or delusions (for instance, believing "someone is trying to poison me")
Exhibit personality changes such as violent outbursts
Exhibit sleep-wake cycle changes (often sleep during the day & stay awake at night)
Experience difficulties in judgment
Show an inability to follow directions
Have difficulty performing complex tasks such as balancing a checkbook
Experience short-term memory loss (for instance, misplacing objects & being unable to follow multistep instructions)
Have trouble communicating (often substitute simple words for more complex words; some patients with AD eventually become completely noncommunicative)
BP, HR, & edema in supine, sitting, & standing
BP & HR at rest & during & after activities
Environment, Home, and Work Barriers