Procedural Interventions
Based on outcomes one wishes to achieve, the following are options for procedures or interventions in PT practice:
ADL training
Aerobic capacity/endurance conditioning or reconditioning
Airway clearance techniques
Balance, coordination, & agility training
Body mechanics & postural stabilization
Breathing strategies
Coordination, communication, & documentation
Devices & equipment use & training
Electrotherapeutic modalities
Flexibility exercise
Functional training programs in self-care, home management, work community, & leisure
Gait & locomotion training
Injury prevention or reduction
Integumentary repair & protection techniques
Manual therapy techniques & mobilization/manipulation
Neuromotor development training
Pt/client-related instruction
Physical agents & mechanical modalities
Prescription, application, & fabrication of devices & equipment
Relaxation training
Strength, power, & endurance training for skeletal & ventilatory muscles
Anticipated or Expected Outcomes
Ability to perform physical actions/tasks/activities improved
Ability to perform, assume, or resume required self-care, home management, work, etc. ↑
Aerobic capacity improved
Airway clearance improved
Atelectasis ↓
Balance improved
Cough improved
Edema, lymphedema, or effusion ↓
Endurance ↑
Energy expenditure per unit of work ↓
Exercise tolerance improved
Fitness improved
Gait, locomotion, & balance improved
Health status improved
Integumentary integrity improved
Joint integrity & mobility improved
Joint swelling, inflammation, or restriction reduced
Level of supervision required for task performance ↓
Motor function (motor control & motor learning) improved
Muscle performance (strength, power, & endurance) ↑
Optimal joint alignment achieved
Optimal loading on a body part achieved
Pain decreased
Performance of ADLs with or w/o assistive devices ↑
Physical function improved
Physiological response to ↑ O2 demand improved
Postural control improved
Pre- & postoperative complications ↓
Quality & quantity of movement of body segments improved
ROM improved
Relaxation ↑
Risk of secondary impairment ↓
Risk factors for disease ↓
Self-mgmt of Sx improved
Sensory awareness ↑
Soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction ↓
Tissue perfusion & oxygenation enhanced
Tolerance of positions & activities ↑
Use of physical therapy services optimized
Use & cost of health-care services ↓
Weight-bearing status improved
Work of breathing ↓