Physiological Changes with Pregnancy
↑ Blood volume
↑ RBC mass
Iron deficiency
↑ Leukocyte count
↑ Coagulation factors
↑ Cardiac capacity
↑ Size of heart
↑ Cardiac output & ↑ HR
↑ Urinary stasis with ↑ risk of infection
↑ Glomerular filtration rate
Obstruction of uterus on inferior vena cava resulting in LE edema
↑ Urinary output
Source: Boissonnault WG (2005).
Precautions During Pregnancy
Avoid x-ray exposure in 1st trimester
Avoid supine for more than a few minutes after 4th month
Avoid rapid, uncontrolled bouncing mov'ts
Avoid overheating
Avoid electrical stimulation & heating modalities to the abdominal region
Avoid prone lying in the 3rd trimester
Avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs, & decongestants
Red Flags When Exercising During Pregnancy
Musculoskeletal Complications
LBP, SI px, nerve entrapment due to ↑ fluid volume (CTS)
Mm cramps secondary to uterine pressure resulting in LE ischemia
Pubic symphysis dysfunction
Diastasis recti abdominis
Restless leg syndrome (iron deficiency)
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Complications
Preeclampsia = rapidly progressive disorder that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy-h/a, blurred vision, edema, ↑ BP, proteinuria
Pregnancy-induced hypertension = h/a, blurred vision
LE edema & varicose veins
Integumentary Complications
Palmar erythema
Gastrointestinal Complications
GI px = nausea & vomiting may lead to dehydration, hypokalemia, & wt loss
↓ Motility may result in constipation
Heartburn/gastric reflux
↑ Risk of gallstones
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)-parasite-can be transmitted across the placenta
Hepatic Complications