Mindful Movement Specialist
Scott W. Cheatham, DPT, PhD(c), ATC
Director, Pre-physical Therapy Program
Division of Kinesiology and Recreation
California State University Dominguez Hills
National Institute of Restorative Exercise, Inc.
Lance C. Dalleck, PhD, ACSM-RCEP
Assistant Professor of Exercise and Sport Science
Recreation, Exercise & Sport Science Department
Western State Colorado University
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD
Senior Advisor for Healthcare Solutions, American Council on Exercise
Pediatrician and Obesity Medicine Specialist
Undergraduate Sport Science Coordinator
School of Health and Human Performance
Northern Michigan University
Department of Health and Exercise Science
The College of New Jersey
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Associate Professor of Kinesiology
Coordinator of Exercise Science
Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences
Exercise Scientist/Curriculum Development Specialist
Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD
Co-owner, Mohr Results, Inc.
The Summit Medical Fitness Center
Kalispell Regional Medical Center
Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Research
Co-founder, Vice-President
Functional Aging Institute
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Department of Health and Nutritional Sciences
South Dakota State University
Program Lead, Exercise and Sport Science
Oregon State University, Cascades Campus
Graduate Program in Human Performance
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse