(zha-boo-lā′) Fr. surgeon, 1860–1913.
[O.Fr. jacquet, jacket] A bandage usually applied to the trunk to immobilize the spine or correct deformities.
porcelain j. A jacket crown tooth restoration made of porcelain.
(jăk′skroo) A threaded screw used for expanding the dental arch or for positioning bone fragments after a fracture.
(jak-sō′nē-ăn) [John Hughlings Jackson, Brit. neurologist, 1835–1911] SEE: under seizure.
(jak′sŏn-prat′) A soft tube placed in an operative site to drain blood and inflammatory fluid following surgery. The tube is connected to a small, compressed, plastic bulb. The compression creates suction; the bulb expands as it fills. The collected liquid is emptied and measured when the bulb is about 60% filled, and the bulb is recompressed. The drains are removed when only minimal drainage is observed. Fluid in a surgical wound interferes with healing, can place pressure on suture sites, and increases the risk of infection.
A dysfunction of cranial nerves X through XII caused by medullary lesions, resulting in unilateral muscle paralysis in the head, the mouth including the soft palate, and the vocal cords.
(jā′kŏb) Irish ophthalmologist, 1790–1874.
(jăk-tā′shē-ō) [L., tossing] Restless tossing of the head and body; seen in acute illness. SYN: jactitation.
j. capitis nocturna A form of sleep disturbance characterized by nocturnal head-banging.
(jăk″tĭ-tā′shŭn) [L. jactitatio, tossing] Jactatio.
[A.R. Jadad, contemporary Brit. physician] A tabulation of the academic rigor and quality of a clinical trial, based on its randomization, blinding, and monitoring of patient withdrawals and dropouts.
(zhăm′ā voo) [Fr., never seen] The subjective sense of being in a completely strange environment when in familiar surroundings. It may be associated with temporal lobe lesions. SEE: déjà vu.
(jān′wā″) [Edward Gamaliel Janeway, U.S. physician, 1841–1911] A small, painless, red-blue macular lesion a few millimeters in diameter, found on the palms and soles in patients with subacute bacterial endocarditis. SEE: Osler nodes; Roth spots.
(jăn′ĭ-sĕps) [L. Janus, a two-faced god, + caput, head] A deformed embryo having a face on both the anterior and the posterior aspects of the single head.
Jansky-Bielschowsky syndrome
(jăn′skē-bē-ăl-show′skē) [Jan Jansky, ...