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(ī″sō-hēm″ă-gloot″ĭ-nā′shŭn) [″ + haima, blood, + L. agglutinare, to glue to] Isoagglutination.


(ī″sō-hē-mŏl′ĭ-sĭs) The destruction of red blood cells produced by an isolysin; the action of an isohemolysin. SEE: hemolysis.


(ī″sō-ī-kō′nē-ă) [Gr. isos, equal, + eikon, image] Equality of both retinal images. SYN: iseikonia.


(ī″sō-ī-kŏn′ĭk) Having equal retinal images.


(ī″sō-ĭm″ū-nĭ-zā′shŭn) [″ + L. immunis, safe] Active immunization of an individual against blood from an individual of the same species, esp. the production of anti-Rh antibodies by Rh-negative mothers against red fetal blood cell antigens. During maternal trauma, loss of pregnancy (abortion), or delivery, some of the infant's blood is transferred to the mother, stimulating antibody production. If a second child is Rh-positive, the mother's anti-Rh antibodies will cross the placenta and cause hemolytic disease of the newborn. SEE: erythroblastosis fetalis.


(ī″sŏ-kĭ-net′ik) [iso- + kinetic] Pert. to muscular contractile force exerted at a fixed velocity against variable resistance.


(ī′sō-lāt) [It. isolato, isolated] 1. To separate or quarantine from contact with other persons, as during an infectious disease. 2. In chemistry, to obtain a substance in pure form from the mixture or solution that contains it. 3. An organism identified in pure form in a microbial culture.


(ī″sŏ-lā′shŏn) 1. Solitude, or the psychological discomfort that accompanies it. SEE: loneliness. 2. The physical separation of those with certain infections (such as anthrax or tuberculosis) from other people to prevent or limit the transmission of disease. In contrast, quarantine applies to restriction on healthy contacts of an infectious agent. SEE: incubation for table; infectious i.; protective i.; quarantine.

PATIENT CARE: Standard precautions are used to care for all patients to prevent nosocomial infections and apply to contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions (except sweat), nonintact skin, and mucous membranes. Transmission-based precautions (second-tier precautions) are used for patients known to be or suspected of being infected with a highly transmissible infection. The rules to be followed for achieving isolation are based on the mode of transmission of the particular organism: airborne, droplet, and contact. Thus, if the organism is spread by droplet (as in tuberculosis), then all items that come in contact with the patient's upper respiratory tract are to be isolated and destroyed or disinfected. Those in contact with the patient are also protected from droplet transmission by wearing protective barriers such as special masks (and, if necessary, gowns, caps, boots, and gloves), by careful and thorough hand hygiene, and by keeping the hands away from the nose and ...

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