[L. intra, on the inside, within] Prefix meaning within. SEE: intro-.
(in″tră-ab-dom′ĭn-ăl) [intra- + abdominal] Within the abdomen.
(In″tră-al-vē′ŏ-lăr) [intra- + alveolar] Inside the alveoli.
intra-aortic balloon pump
Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation.
(in″tră-ar-tēr′ē-ăl) [intra- + arterial] ABBR: i-a. Within an artery; within the arteries.
(in″tră-ar-tik′yŭ-lăr) [intra- + articulus] Within a joint.
(in″tră-ā′trē-ăl) [intra- + atrial] Within one or both atria of the heart.
(in″tră-brong′kē-ăl) [intra- + bronchial] Within a bronchus.
(in″tră-bŭk′ăl) [intrabuccal + buccal] 1. Within the tissue of the cheek. 2. Within the mouth.
(in″tră-kam′răl) [intra- + camera + -al] Within a chamber, esp. a chamber of the eye or the heart.
(in″tră-kan″ă-lik′yŭ-lăr) [intra- + canaliculus] Within a canaliculus.
(in″tră-kap′sŭ-lăr) [intra- + capsular] Within a capsule.
intracardiac, intracardial
(in″tră-kard′ē-ak, in tră-kard′ē-al) [intra- + Gr. kardia, heart] Within the heart.
(in″tră-kar′păl) [intra- + carpal] Within the wrist.
(in″tră-kart″ĭl-aj′ĭ-nŭs) [intra- + cartilaginous] 1. Within a cartilage. 2. Within cartilaginous tissue.
(ĭn″tră-sĕl′ū-lăr) [″ + cellula, cell] Within the cell.
(in″tră-ser″ĕ-bel′ăr) [intra- + cerebellum] Within the cerebellum of the brain.
(in″tră-ser′ĕ-brăl, in″tră-sĕrē′brăl) [intra- + cerebrum] Within the cerebrum (the main portion of the brain).
(in″tră-sĕr′vĭ-kăl) [intra- + cervical] Within a neck, esp. the neck of the uterus.
(ĭn-tră-kŏr′ō-nă-rē) Within the coronary arteries.
(in″tră-kor-por′ē-ăl) [intra- + corporeal] Within the body.
(in″tră-krā′nē-ăl) [intra- + cranial] Within the cranium (skull).
intracranial pressure monitoring
Assessment of the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in the head with a sensor inserted through the skull. Intracranial pressure monitoring is used in the management of critically ill patients, esp. those who have suffered severe brain injury or ...