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insulin sensitizer

Any of several diabetic medications, such as metformin or the thiazolidinediones, that improve the sensitivity of cells to the metabolic effects of insulin.

insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio

ABBR: I:C ratio. The number of units of insulin that must be administered to a patient to prevent the carbohydrates consumed during a meal from elevating blood glucose levels.

insulin tolerance test

ABBR: ITT. An infrequently performed, hazardous test in which a person's hormonal responses to hypoglycemia are assessed. It can be used to assess adrenal gland insufficiency or growth hormone deficiency. Serum cortisol and growth hormone levels should rise in response to low blood glucose levels.

image The test should be administered only by experienced professionals in order to reduce the risk of severe hypoglycemic reactions.


(ĭn″sū-lī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.


(ĭn′sŭlt) In medicine, an injury or trauma.


(in-shoor′) 1. To make sure or certain. 2. To make safe or secure. 3. To protect against injury, loss, or expense. 4. To make a contract specifying the terms of such protection. 5. To buy or sell insurance.


(ĭn″sŭ-sĕp″tĭ-bĭl′ĭ-tē) [L. in, not, + suscipere, to take up] 1. Immunity or lack of susceptibility to infection or disease. 2. The resistance of a microorganism to treatment.


(in′tak″) A surgical treatment for nearsightedness in which small rings are inserted into the cornea to change its shape and improve its ability to focus. These intracorneal rings are removable and replaceable. They are an alternative to LASIK surgery for myopia.


(in′tāk″) That which is taken in, esp. food and liquids.

acceptable daily i. ABBR: ADI. That quantity of chemical residue contained in food and thought to be harmless even when consumed daily for life. The chemical residue may be a food additive, such as a preservative, or an antibiotic, antifungal, or a small quantity of pesticide. ADIs apply solely to residues of chemicals used intentionally by agricultural businesses in food production. ADI is expressed as mg/kg (bw)/d (milligrams of residue per kilogram body weight per day). Chemicals that enter the human food supply unintentionally are called contaminants, not residues.

caloric i. The number of calories received orally and/or parenterally into the body.

estimated daily i. ABBR: EDI. The presumed daily exposure to or consumption of an nutrient or chemical residue.

tolerable daily i. ABBR: TDI. That quantity of a chemical contaminant that accidentally enters the food supply and may ...

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