(in-ok′yŭ-lāt″) [L. inoculare, to graft, implant] To inject an antigen, antiserum, or antitoxin into an individual to produce immunity to a specific disease. SEE: vaccine.
(ĭn-ŏk″ū-lā′shŭn) 1. The injection or introduction of an antigen or microbe into a person, animal, or organ or into a solution, growth medium, or other laboratory apparatus. 2. Vaccination. This can be accomplished parenterally (through the skin), orally, or intranasally; by using an aerosol mist; or by scarification of the skin.
animal i. The injection of serums, microorganisms, or viral organisms into laboratory animals for the purpose of immunizing them or of investigating the effects of the inoculated material on them.
(ĭn-ŏk′ū-lŭm) [L.] A substance introduced by inoculation.
In pharmacology, an increase in drug resistance that occurs with a larger burden of infecting organisms.
(ĭn-ŏp′ĕr-ă-bl) [L. in-, not, + operari, to work] Unsuitable for surgery. In the case of a tumor, the disease may have spread so extensively as to make surgery ineffective, or the patient's general condition may be so poor that surgery could result in the patient's death.
(ĭn″or-găn′ĭk) [L. in-, not, + Gr. organon, an organ] 1. In chemistry, occurring in nature independently of living things; sometimes considered to indicate chemical compounds that do not contain carbon. 2. Not pert. to living organisms.
(ĭn-ŏs′kū-lāt″) [L. in, in, + osculum, little mouth] Anastomose.
(ĭn-ŏs″kū-lā′shŭn) Anastomosis.
(ĭn-ō-sē′mē-ă) [Gr. inos, fiber, + haima, blood] 1. An excessive amount of fibrin in the blood. 2. The presence of inositol in the blood.
(i-nō′sĭ-tol″) Hexahydroxycyclohexane, C6H6(OH)6; a sugar-like crystalline substance found in the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, and heart muscle, as well as in the leaves and seeds of most plants. It is part of the vitamin B complex. Deficiency of inositol in experimental animals results in hair loss, eye defects, and growth retardation. Its significance in human nutrition has not been established. SYN: inose; inosite.
(i-nō′sĭ-tol″) ABBR: IP3. An intracellular second messenger molecule that stimulates the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell to release calcium.
(ĭn″ō-sī-tū′rē-ă) [inositol + Gr. ouron, urine] Inosuria.