(ĭn-hĕr′ĕnt) [L. inhaerens, to inhere] Belonging to anything naturally, not as a result of circumstance. SEE: innate (1); intrinsic (1).
(in-her′ĭt-ăns) [L. inhereditare, to inherit] The sum total of all that is inherited, the result of genetic material (DNA) contained within the ovum and sperm.
alternative i. The inheritance of a trait from one parent.
extrachromosomal i. Inherited traits governed by mechanisms other than by chromosomes.
holandric i. Inherited traits carried only by men; thus, the operative gene is on the Y chromosome.
hologynic i. Transmission of traits from mothers only to daughters.
multifactorial i. The inheritance of traits influenced by a number of genetic and nongenetic factors, none of which has a predominant effect.
sex-influenced i. Inherited traits for which the genes are on autosomes, but their expression is influenced by the sex chromosomes, e.g., the reproductive organs.
sex-limited i. A trait that can be expressed in only one sex.
sex-linked i. The inheritance of traits regulated by either of the sex chromosomes, (X or Y) or contained in the genetic material of these chromosomes.
Body traits and genetic makeup received as a result of genetic transmission rather than acquired.
(in-hib′ĭn) [inhib(it) + -in] Either of two hormones (inhibin A and inhibin B) secreted by the corpus luteum in females and by the testicle in males. It inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone. In women, inhibin is secreted throughout the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy, but it normally is not present in postmenopausal women. It is, however, elevated in most postmenopausal women with granulosa or mucinous carcinomas of the ovary. In men, inhibin levels are elevated in prostatic hyperplasia and decreased in cancers of the prostate.
i.-F A hormone produced by granulosa cells in the ovary. It reduces the release of follicle stimulating hormone by the anterior pituitary gland. SEE: ovarian cancer.
(in″(h)ĭ-bish′ŏn) [L. inhibitio, restraint] 1. The repression or restraint of a function. 2. In physiology, a stopping of an action or function of an organ, as in the slowing or stopping of the heart produced by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. 3. In psychiatry, restraint of one mental process almost simultaneously by another opposed mental process; an inner impediment to free thought and activity.
arthrogenic muscle i. ABBR: AMI. A clinical impairment caused by an ongoing reflex inhibition of the musculature surrounding a joint following distention or damage to structures of that joint.