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image intensifier

A special vacuum tube used during fluoroscopic imaging that increases the brightness of an image. This increased brightness is controlled by image minification and electron acceleration. The minified image can be viewed directly, coupled with a television camera, or imaged by serial or digital radiography. The quality of the image is better than that of an unintensified fluoroscopic image.


(im′ăj-rē) [L. imago, a copy, likeness] The formation of mental images or pictures. Such imagery may be of various types.

auditory i. A mental image of sounds that can be recalled, as thunder or wind.

evocative i. Guided i.

guided i. The direction of attention toward desired feelings, outcomes, or thoughts and away from unpleasant or unwanted feelings or thoughts. SYN: active imagery; evocative imagery; imagery rehearsal therapy; rehearsal imagery.

gustatory i. A mental concept of taste sensations previously experienced. SYN: taste imagery.

olfactory i. A mental concept of odor or an odor previously experienced. SYN: smell imagery.

visual i. A mental concept of an object seen previously. SEE: afterimage.


[L. imaginatio, mental image or likeness, fancy] The formation of mental images of things, persons, or situations that are wholly or partially different from those previously known or experienced.


(im-ā′gĭ-nēz″) Plural of imago.


(im′ă-jing) The production of a picture, image, or shadow that represents the object being investigated. In diagnostic medicine, the classic technique for imaging is radiographic or x-ray examination. Techniques using computer-generated images produced by x-ray, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance are also available.

acoustic radiation force impulse i. ABBR: ARFI. An ultrasonographic method of measuring the stiffness of an internal organ, in which a transducer is used to generate a region of excited tissue with sound waves and to monitor the displacement of the excited tissue. Tissue stiffness increases, as in cirrhosis, due to scarring or when healthy tissues are replaced by cancer.

black blood magnetic resonance i. ABBR: BB-MR. Imaging of arterial walls with magnetic resonance for evidence of atherosclerosis. Blood flow normally gives off a bright signal during magnetic resonance imaging but can be made to appear dark to distinguish it from the walls of the surrounding blood vessels. This enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging can be used noninvasively to show where arteries are obstructed and to determine the components of the plaque in those arteries.

cellular i. Any of the techniques for detecting and analyzing cellular organelles and macromolecules. The observations are made by light microscopes or electron microscopes and often require computer analysis. SYN: cytography...

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