(hī″pō-kō-lĕs-tĕr-ē′ mē-ă) [″ + chole, bile,+ stereos, solid,+ haima, blood] Decreased blood cholesterol. As cholesterol has some important functions in the body, excessively low cholesterol levels are not desirable.
(hī″pō-kon′drē-ă) [L. hypochondria fr Gr. hypochondria, pert. to the upper abdomen (the seat of the melancholic humor)] An abnormal concern about one's health, with the false belief of suffering from some disease, despite medical reassurance to the contrary. This is a common symptom among depressed patients. SYN: health anxiety disorder; hypochondriasis. SEE: somatization.
(hī″pō-kon′drē-ak″) [hypochondria+-ac] 1. Pert. to the region of the hypochondrium or the upper lateral region on each side of the body and below the thorax; beneath the ribs. 2. A person with a heightened response to physical stimuli who believes his or her physical sensations are indicative of disease. hypochondriacal (hī″pō-kŏn-drī′ă-kăl), adj.
(hī″pō-kŏn-drī′ă-sĭs) [hypochondria + -sis] Hypochondria.
(hī″pō-kŏn′drē-ŭm) The part of the abdomen beneath the lower ribs on each side of the epigastrium.
(hī″pō-krō-mā′zh(ē-)ă) [hypo- + -chromasia] Hypochromia.
(hī″ pŏ-krō′ mē-ă) [hypo- + chrom- + -ia] Decreased hemoglobin concentration in red blood cells. SYN: hypochromasia.
(hī″pō-sĭ″trāt-ūr′ ē-ă, -sī″) A decrease in urinary citrate excretion. It increases the likelihood that calcium-containing salts will crystallize in urine and produce obstruction to urinary flow by stones.
(hī″pō-kŏm″plĕ-mĕn-tē mē-ă) Decreased complement in the blood.
(hī″pō-kōn) [″ + konos, cone] The distolingual cusp of an upper molar tooth.
(hī″pō-kŏn-trak′ til, tīl″) [hypo- + contractile] Incapable of shortening effectively. It is said of weak muscle fibers, such as those in the heart or the urinary bladder.
(hī″pō-kort′ĭ-sizm) [hypo- + cortico- + -ism] Decreased adrenal cortical hormone.
(hī″pō-krēt'ĭn) [hypo(thalamus) + (se)cretin] Orexin.
(hī″ō-kū-prē′mē-ă) Decreased copper in the blood.
(hī″pŏ-dĕr′mă) [hypo- + derma] A genus of warble flies of the family Oestridae. The maggots (larvae) of some species attack cattle and, occasionally, humans and cause a subcutaneous channel of inflammation as they burrow under the skin. SEE: cutaneous larva migrans; myiasis; warble.
(hī″pō-dĕr′mĭk) [″ + derma, skin] Under or inserted ...