(hī″pĕr-thī-rō′sĭs) Hyperthyroidism.
(hī″pĕr-thī-rŏk″sĭ-nē′ mē-ă) An excess of thyroxine in the blood.
(hī″pĕr-tō′nē-ă) [″ + tonos, tension] Hypertonicity.
(hī″pĕr-tŏn′ĭk) 1. Pert. to a solution of higher osmotic pressure than another. 2. In a state of greater than normal tension or of incomplete relaxation, said of muscles; the opposite of hypotonic.
(hī″pĕr-tŏn-ĭ′ sĭ-tē) An excess of muscular or arterial tone or intraocular pressure. SYN: hypertonia.
(hī″pĕr-tō″nŭs) Increased tension, as muscular tension in spasm.
(hī″ pĕr-trĭ-kō′ sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] An excessive growth of hair, possibly caused by endocrine disease, esp. of the adrenal gland, and in women, disease of the ovary. SYN: polytrichia; polytrichosis.
(hī″pĕr-trī-glĭs″ĕr-ī-dē mē-ă) An increased blood triglyceride level; a possible risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
(hī″pĕr-trō′fē-ă) [Gr. hyper, over, above, excessive, + trophe, nourishment] Hypertrophy.
A keloidal scar that develops with excessive or exuberant fibrous tissue, is easily visible, is raised above the surrounding skin, and sometimes causes contracture.
(hī-pĕr′ trŏ-fē) [hyper-+-trophy] 1. An increase in the size of an organ, structure, or the body due to growth rather than tumor formation. This term is generally restricted to an increase in size or bulk that results not from an increase in the number of cells but from an increase in a cellular component, e.g., proteins. It applies to any increase in size as a result of functional activity. SYN: hypertrophia. SEE: hyperplasia. hypertrophic (hī″pĕr-trō′fik), adj. 2. To cause or experience hypertrophy.
adaptive h. Hypertrophy in which an organ increases in size to meet increased functional demands, as of the heart in valvular disorders.
adenoid h. Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil. It occurs commonly in children and may be congenital or result from infection of Waldeyer ring.
benign prostatic h. ABBR: BPH. Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
cardiac h. A regional or generalized hypertrophy in myocardial mass. It may be caused by exercise, chronic hypertension, genetic illnesses, or valvular dysfunction. SYN: h. of the heart.
compensatory h. Hypertrophy due to increased function of an organ because of a defect or impaired function a physiologically linked organ.
concentric h. Hypertrophy in which the walls of an organ become thickened without enlargement but with diminished capacity.
congenital h. of the retinal pigment epithelium SEE: congenital ...