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(hī″pĕr-mĕn″ō-rē′ă) [″ + men, month, + rhoia, flow] Menorrhagia.

hypermetabolic state

(hī″pĕr-met″ă-bol′ik) [hyper- + metabolic] Hypermetabolism.


(hī″pĕr-mĕ-tab′ŏ-lizm) [hyper- + metabolism] An increased rate of metabolism, e.g., as in fever, salicylate overdose, and other physiological or toxic stresses. It may be caused by sepsis and severe burn injuries. SYN: hypermetabolic state. SEE: response, stress. hypermetabolic (hī″pĕr-met″ă-bol′ik), adj.

extrathyroidal h. An increased rate of metabolism not related to thyroid disease.


(hī″pĕr-mē′trē-ă) [Gr. hyper, over, above, excessive, + metron, measure] An unusual range of movement; motor incoordination in which muscular movement causes a person to overreach the objective.


(hī″pĕr-mĕt′rōp) [″ + ″ + ops, eye] Hyperope.


(hī″pĕr-mē-trō′pē-ă) Hyperopia. hypermetropic (-trŏp′ĭk), adj.


(hī″pĕr-mō-bil′ĭt-ē) [hyper- + mobility] Excessive joint play (movement) evidenced by the ability to place both hands on the floor, while bending the spine forward, but not bending the knees; the ability to pull the thumb so that it touches the radial surface of the forearm; or the ability to hyperextend the elbow or knee 10% beyond a straightened (neutral) position. It is present in some connective tissue diseases such as Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. SEE: hypomobility. hypermobile (hī″pĕr-mō′bĭl), adj.


(hī′pĕr-mŏrf) [″ + morphe, form] 1. A person with disproportionately long limbs whose standing height is high in proportion to the sitting height. 2. A mutant gene that expresses more than the usual amount of gene product expressed by the wild type. SEE: hypomorph; somatotype.


(hī″pĕr-mō-tĭl′ĭ-tē) [″ + L. motio, motion] Unusual or excessive movement. SYN: hyperkinesia.


(hī″pĕr-nā-trē′mē-ă) [hyper- + natremia] An elevated concentration of sodium in the bloodstream. Hypernatremia is present when the sodium concentration exceeds about 145 mmol/L. It is almost always the result of free water deficits (dehydration) and not an excess of salt and is treated with intravenous or oral replacement of water. Rarely, hypernatremia may develop after intravenous infusions of solutions with high concentrations of sodium. Symptoms of hypernatremia include thirst, orthostatic dizziness, altered mental status, and neuromuscular dysfunction.


(hī″pĕr-nĕ-frō′mă) [hyper- + nephroma] Renal cell carcinoma.


(hī″pĕr-nu-trĭsh′ŭn) [″ + L. nutrire, to nourish] Overfeeding.


(hī′pĕr-ōp) [″ + ops, eye] One who is farsighted. SYN: hypermetrope.


(hī″pĕr-ō pē-ă) [″ + ops, eye] Farsightedness; a ...

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