(hī″pĕr-ē′mē-ă) [hyper- + -emia] 1. An unusual amount of blood in a part; congestion. 2. A form of macula in which red areas on the skin disappear on pressure. 3. In physical therapy, an increase in the quantity of blood flowing through any part of the body, shown by redness of the skin caused by the application of heat.
active h. Hyperemia caused by increased blood inflow. SYN: arterial h.
artificial h. Bringing of blood to the superficial tissues by means of counterirritation, as by coining, cupping, or acupuncture.
Bier h. SEE: under Bier, August Karl Gustav.
constriction h. Bier hyperemia.
leptomeningeal h. Pia-arachnoid congestion.
passive h. Hyperemia caused by decreased drainage of blood. SYN: venous h.
reactive h. The increased flow of blood into an ischemic tissue area after restoration of blood flow.
(hī″pĕr-ĕn″zī-mē′mē-ă) [″ + ″ + ″] Excessive secretion of enzymes, esp. the digestive enzymes manufactured by the pancreas.
(hī″pĕr-ē″ŏ-sin″ŏ-fil′ēă) [hyper- eosinophilia] An abnormally high level of eosinophils in the blood; typically more than 1500 cells/mL of blood and sometimes >5000.
(hī″pĕr-es-thē′zh(ē-)ă) [hyper- + -esthesia] An increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as pain or touch. SYN: algesia; oxyesthesia. hyperesthetic (hī″pĕr-es-thet′ik), adj.
acoustic h. An abnormal sensitivity to sound.
cerebral h. Hyperesthesia caused by a cerebral lesion.
gustatory h. An oversensitivity of taste.
muscular h. Muscular sensitivity to pain and fatigue.
optic h. An abnormal sensitivity to light.
h. sexualis An abnormal increase in libido.
tactile h. An abnormal sensitivity to touch.
(hī″pĕr-ĕks-tĕn′shŭn) [″ + L. extendere, to stretch out] Extreme or abnormal extension of a joint, usually the result of trauma, increased muscle tone, joint adhesions, or congenital formation.
(hī″pĕr-fī-brĭn″ō-jĕ-nē′mē-ă) An increased amount of fibrinogen in the blood; a possible but unproven risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
(hī″pĕr-flĕk′shŭn) Increased flexion of a joint, usually the result of trauma, decreased muscle tone, or joint laxity.
(hī″pĕr-frăk-shŭn-ā′shŭn) The treatment of a tumor with radiation applied in several small doses several hours apart on the same day instead of in a once-a-day dose. Hyper-fractionation decreases the side effects of delivery and may permit a tumor to be ...