[Gr. heteros, other, the other] Prefixes meaning different, other.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-ă-glu′tĭ-nĭn) 1. Agglutinin formed as the result of an injection of an antigen from an animal of a different species. 2. Agglutinin capable of agglutinating blood cells of other species of animals.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-ăn″tĭ-bŏd′ē) An antibody corresponding to an antigen from another species.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-blăs′tĭk) [″ + blastos, germ] Developing from several kinds of tissue.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-sĕl′u-lăr) Composed of different kinds of cells.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-sĕf′ă-lŭs) [″ + kephale, head] Congenitally deformed fetus with two heads of unequal size.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-krō′mă-tĭn) [″ + chroma, color] Highly condensed or folded portions of chromosomes during interphase. They stain less distinctly than euchromatin. There is apparently no transcription of the DNA by messenger RNA (mRNA); these portions may be inactive genes. SEE: euchromatin.
(het″ĕ-rō-krō′mē-ă) [hetero- + -chrom + -ia] A difference in color in parts of the body that are usually of the same color. SYN: heterochromatosis (2).
h. iridis Different colors of the iris or sector of the iris in both eyes. One iris may be blue or gray and the other brown. The asymmetry may occur naturally or in early iritis or cyclitis or other previous disease in the lighter-colored eye. It is occasionally associated with Waardenberg syndrome.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-krō′mō-sōm) 1. The X and Y or sex chromosomes. 2. A chromosome containing material, heterochromatin, that stains differently from the remainder of the chromatin material.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-krŏn′ĭk) Occurring at different or at abnormal times.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-sīk′lĭk) [″ + kyklos, circle] Pert. to ring compounds that contain one or more elements other than carbon in the ring.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-dŏnt) [″ + odous, tooth] SEE: under dentition.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-gă-mĕt′ĭk) [″ + gamos, marriage] Pert. to the production of unlike gametes, applied esp. to a male that produces two types of sperm, one containing the X chromosome, the other the Y chromosome. SEE: homogametic.
(hĕt″ĕr-ŏg′ă-mē) The union of gametes that are dissimilar in size and structure. This union occurs in higher plants and animals. SEE: isogamy.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-jĕ-nē′ĭ-tē) The quality of being heterogeneous.
(hĕt″ĕr-ō-jē′nē-ŭs) [″ + genos, type] Of unlike natures; composed of unlike substances; the opposite of homogeneous.