(hĕr″nē-ō-ĕn″tĕr-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + Gr. enteron, intestine, + tome, incision] Herniotomy and enterotomy done during the same surgical procedure.
(hĕr″nē-ŏg′ră-fē) [″ + Gr. graphein, to write] The radiographical examination of a hernia after the introduction of a contrast medium.
(hĕr″nē-ō-plăs″tē) [″ + Gr. plassein, to form] Surgical repair of a hernia.
(hĕr-nē-or′ă-fē) [″ + Gr. rhaphe, seam, ridge] A surgical procedure for repair of a hernia.
(hĕr-nē-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + Gr. tome, incision] Surgery for the relief of a hernia; an operation for the correction of irreducible hernia, esp. strangulated hernia.
In medical practice, the undertaking of a procedure or therapy in an attempt to save or sustain the life of a patient with life-threatening injuries or illness.
(hĕr′ō-ĭn) An opioid derived from morphine, whose importation, sale, and use are illegal in the U.S. SYN: diacetylmorphine. SEE: drug addiction; endorphin.
black tar h. A form of illicitly manufactured diacetylmorphine known for its tarry appearance and increased potency relative to "white" heroin.
h. toxicity Poisoning by heroin. SEE: opiate poisoning.
(hĕrp″an-jī′nă, hĕrp″an jĭ-nă) [herpes + angina] A benign but painful infectious disease of children and less commonly of young adults.
CAUSES: It is caused by one of several strains of group A coxsackievirus and, rarely, by other enteroviruses.
INCIDENCE: It is a common contagious childhood illness typically affecting preschool or elementary school children and spread by contact with the salivary secretions of an infected person.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: The infection produces painful oral blistering ulcers, fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, drooling, and malaise.
DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is made clinically, based on patient history and oral examination.
PREVENTION: Affected children should be kept away from others, i.e., kept home from school or other social activities, until lesions heal. Frequent handwashing and careful laundering of clothing diminishes viral transmission. Infected children should avoid sharing napkins or silverware with others.
TREATMENT: The treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Acetaminophen should be given for pain and fever.
PATIENT CARE: Infected children find eating and swallowing painful. To encourage them to eat and drink (and avoid dehydration, which is a common complication of herpangina), they should be given small portions of cool, bland foods frequently.
(hĕrp′ēz″) [Gr. herpēs, creeping] Vesicular eruption caused by a virus, esp. herpes ...