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(grăj-oo-ā′tĭd) Marked by a series of lines indicating degrees of measurement, weight, or volume.

Graefe, Albrecht von

(grāf′ĕ) Ger. ophthalmologist, 1828–1870.

G. forceps Serrated ophthalmologic forceps, straight or curved.

G. sign Lid lag.


(graft) [L. graphium, hunting knife] 1. Tissue transplanted or implanted in a part of the body to repair a defect. A homograft (or allograft) is a graft of material from another individual of the same species. A heterograft (or xenograft) is a graft of material from an individual of another species. 2. The process of placing tissue from one site to another to repair a defect.

allogeneic g. Allograft.

autologous g. A graft taken from another part of the patient's body.

bone g. A piece of bone taken from one location (such as the ilium or fibula) and inserted to replace or restore another osseous structure. Bone storage banks have been established.

bypass g. A surgical conduit inserted into the vascular system that routes blood around an obstructed vessel. SEE: coronary artery bypass.

cadaver g. Grafting tissue, including skin, cornea, or bone, obtained from a body immediately after death.

delayed g. A skin graft that is partially elevated and then replaced so that it may be moved later to another site.

dermal g. A split-thickness or fullthickness skin graft. The graft will grow hair and have active sweat and sebum glands.

endovascular g. A stent graft implanted within an existing blood vessel. SYN: endograft.

fascia g. A graft using fascia, usually removed from the fascia lata, for repairing defects in other tissues.

free g. A graft that is completely separated from its original site and then transferred.

full-thickness g. A graft of the entire layer of skin without the subcutaneous fat.

mesh g. A split-thickness graft that contains multiple perforations or slits, which allow the graft to be expanded so that a much larger area is covered. The holes in the graft are covered by new tissue as the graft spreads. A mesh graft heals with a less smooth cosmetic result than a sheet graft but is able to cover a larger defect.

nerve g. The transplantation of a healthy nerve to replace a segment of a damaged nerve.

pedicle g. Pedicle flap.

sheet g. A skin graft, typically removed from a donor site on the thigh, that is placed directly over a burn wound to promote healing.

skin g. The use of small sections of ...

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