(glī-sē′mē-ă) [″ + haima, blood] The level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. SEE: table under hyperglycemia. glycemic, adj.
(glĭs″ĕr-ăl′dĕ-hīd) An aldose, CHOCH(OH)CH2OH, produced by the metabolism of fructose in the liver.
(glĭs′ĕr-īd) [Gr. glykys, sweet] An ester of glycerin compounded with an acid.
(glis′ĕ-rĭn, ĕ-rēn″) [Gr. glykeros, sweet + -ine] C3H8O3; a trihydric alcohol, trihydroxy-propane, present in chemical combination in all fats. It is a syrupy colorless liquid, soluble in all proportions in water and alcohol. It is made commercially by the hydrolysis of fats, esp. during the manufacture of soap, and is used extensively as a solvent, a preservative, and an emollient in various skin diseases. SYN: glycerol.
[glycer(in)] Prefixes meaning glycerol or glyceric acid.
(glis′ĕ-rol″, röl″) [glycero- + -ol] Glycerin.
(glis″ĕ-rō-lip′id) [glycero- + lipid] A fatty molecule composed of glycerol linked esterically to a fatty acid. Glycerolipids include triglycerides and diglycerides.
ABBR: GPC. A metabolite of lecithin. It is a phospholipid precursor.
(glĭs′ĕr-ĭl) The trivalent radical C3H5 of glycerol.
(glī′sēn, -sĭn) [Gr. glykys, sweet] ABBR: gly. NH2CH2COOH; a nonessential amino acid. SYN: aminoacetic acid.
(glī′sēn măks) The scientific name for soybean.
[Gr. glykys, sweet] Prefixes meaning sugar, glucose, or the presence of glycerol or a similar substance. SEE: also gluco-.
(glī″kō-kăl′ĭks) 1. A thin layer of glycoprotein and oligosaccharides on the outer surface of cell membranes that contributes to cell adhesion and forms antigens involved in the recognition of "self."2. An adhesive substance secreted by microorganisms such as Staphylococcus epidermidis that helps them to adhere to prosthetic material in the body and prevents their phagocytosis by white blood cells.
(glī″kō-kŏl′āt) A salt of glycocholic acid.
(glī′kŏ-jĕn) [glyco- + -gen] A polysaccharide, (C6H10O5) n, the storage form for glucose in the liver and muscles. Formation of glycogen from carbohydrate sources is called glycogenesis; from noncarbohydrate sources, glyconeogenesis. The conversion of glycogen to glucose is called glycogenolysis. SYN: animal starch. SEE: glycogenesis; glycogenolysis; glycogen storage disease; glyconeogenesis.