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SEE: gamma.


1. The newtonian constant of gravitation. 2. Symbol for giga, 109, in SI units.


1. Symbol for the standard force of attraction of gravity, 980.665 m/sec2, or about 32.17 ft/sec2. 2. gingival; gram; gender.


Symbol for the element gallium.


gamma-aminobutyric acid.


(gab″ă-pen′tin) A gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) administered orally in adjunct with other treatment of adults with partial seizures with and without secondary generalization. Its U.S. Food and Drug Administration—approved therapeutic class is anticonvulsant.


(gad′flī″) A fly belonging to the family Tabanidae that lays eggs under the skin of its victim, causing swelling simulating a boil. Multiple furuncles appear with hatching of larvae. SEE: botfly; warble.


(gad″ŏl-in′ē-ŭm) [Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist, 1760–1852 + -ium] SYMB: Gd. A chemical element of the lanthanide series, atomic weight (mass) 157.25, atomic number 64. It is used as a contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging, as a gamma ray source in bone densitometry, and in quality assurance tests of nuclear medicine imaging devices.


Global Assessment of Functioning.


1. A device for keeping the jaws open during surgery. 2. To retch or cause to retch. SEE: gag reflex. 3. To restrict free speech or expression.

gag clause

Any item in a contract that restricts free speech or personal expression.


(gān) 1. To increase in weight, strength, or health. 2. In electronics, the amplification factor for a given circuit or device. 3. The real or imagined positive effect of an action or situation. For example, an illness might allow a person to put off going to school or meeting some other obligation such as a court appearance.

brightness g. The increase in the intensity of a fluoroscopic image by the use of an image intensifier.

secondary g. The advantage gained by the patient indirectly from illness, such as attention, care, and release from responsibility.


(gāt) A manner of walking.

PATIENT CARE: Patients with gait problems should be evaluated by an interdisciplinary team, often including a neurologist, physiatrist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and home health nurse. The home or care setting should be assessed for hazards that may increase the risk of falling; it should be altered to enhance its safety. Care providers should ...

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