(fēld′wŏrk) Studies and practical experience gained during the direct observation and care of patients. It is used to supplement and broaden the education of students, usually in addition to academic study performed in the classroom, home, or library. Fieldwork is also used in ethnographic nursing research.
The staging system for cancer of the cervix uteri developed by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
(fĭg′ū-rāt) [L. figuratum, figured] Having a rounded, curved, circular, or ringed shape. The term is used to describe rashes that leave elaborately embroidered markings on the skin.
[L. figura] 1. A body, form, shape, or outline. 2. A number.
The perceptual difference between an object and its surroundings.
(fil′ā-mĕnt) [L. filamentum, threading] 1. A fine thread. 2. A threadlike coil of tungsten found in the x-ray tube that is the source of electrons.
axial f. A filament forming the central axis of the flagellum of a spermatozoon.
intermediate f. ABBR: IF. Any of the slender proteins that measure about 8 to 12 mm in diameter and are found in all eukaryotic cells. These filaments are composed of proteins including desmin, keratins, lamins, and vimentin and, together with microtubules and microfilaments, form the cytoskeleton. Some malignant cells can be identified by the specific proteins in their intermediate filaments.
thick f. Myosin, seen microscopically.
thin f. Actin, seen microscopically.
(fil″ă-ment′ŭs) [filament] Made up of long, interwoven or irregularly placed threadlike structures. SYN: filar.
(fī′lăr) [L. filum, thread] Filamentous.
(fĭ-lar′ē-ă) [L. filum, thread] The former name for a genus of nematodes belonging to the superfamily Filarioidea. SEE: filaria.
F. medinensis Dracunculus medinensis.
(fĭ-lar′ē-ă, fĭ-lar′ē-ē″, fĭ-lar′ē-ī″) pl. filariae [L. filum, thread] A long thread-shaped nematode belonging to the superfamily Filarioidea. The adults live in vertebrates. In humans, they may infect the lymphatic vessels and lymphatic organs, circulatory system, connective tissues, subcutaneous tissues, and serous cavities. Typically, the female produces microfilariae (larvae), which may be sheathed or sheathless. They reach the peripheral blood or lymphatic vessels, where they may be ingested by a bloodsucking arthropod (a mosquito, gnat, or fly). In the intermediate host, they transform into rhabditoid larvae that metamorphose into infective filariform larvae. These migrate to the ...