fetal growth restriction
ABBR: FGR. Intrauterine growth retardation.
fetal heart rate monitoring
The techniques used to determine the heart rate of the fetus. They include auscultation, use of an electronic device, or Doppler ultrasound. SEE: deceleration; Doppler echocardiography; fetal assessment.
Any medical or surgical therapy for diagnosing or treating a congenital disorder in utero, e.g., prenatal surgery or stem cell transplantation.
fetal origins hypothesis
The controversial hypothesis that chronic adult diseases, e.g., hypertension, result from undernutrition of the fetus.
The excessive enlargement of fetal fat mass in expectant mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus.
(fē′tĭ-sīd) [″ + cidus, kill] Killing of a fetus. SEE: infanticide.
(fē′tĭd, fet′ĭd) [L. fetere, to stink] Rank or foul smelling.
(fet′ish) [Portug. feitiço, charm, sorcery] 1. An object, such as an idol or charm, that is thought to have mysterious, magical, and supernatural power. 2. In psychiatry, the love object of a person who suffers from fetishism.
(fē′tish-izm, fet′ish-ĭzm) 1. Belief in some object as possessing power or capable of being a stimulus. 2. Erotic stimulation or sexually arousing fantasies involving contact with nonliving objects, such as an article of dress or a braid of hair.
(fē-tŏg′ră-fē) Radiography of the fetus in utero. This procedure has been virtually replaced by ultrasound.
(fē-tŏm′ĕ-trē) [L. fetus + Gr. metron, measure] Estimation of fetal size, e.g., biparietal diameter and crown-rump length, age, and growth, typically using ultrasonography.
(fēt″ō-plă-sent′ăl) [fetus + placenta] Pert. to the fetus and its placenta.
(fēt″ō-prō′tēn, fēt″ō-prō′tē-ĭn) [fetus + protein] An antigen present in the human fetus and in some pathological conditions in adults. The amniotic fluid level can be used to evaluate fetal development. Elevated serum levels are found in adults with some liver diseases. SYN: fetoglobulin. SEE: alpha-fetoprotein.
(fēt′or) [L. fetere, to stink] An offensive odor; stench.
(fēt′ŏ-skōp″) [fetus + -scope] 1. An optical device, usually flexible and made of fiber-optic materials, used for direct visualization of the fetus in the uterus. SEE: embryoscopy. 2. Historical name for stethoscope for auscultating fetal heart sounds.
(fē-tŏs′kŏ-pē) Direct ...