(făsh″ē-ŏd′ĕ-sĭs) [″ + Gr. desis, binding] Surgical attachment of a fascia to a tendon or another fascia.
(fă-sī′ō-lă) [L. fasciola, a band] A genus of flukes belonging to the class Trematoda.
F. hepatica A species that infests the liver and bile ducts of cattle, sheep, and other herbivores; the common liver fluke. Infested aquatic plants are the source of human infection. SEE: illus.
(făs″ē-ō-lŏp-sī′ă-sĭs) Infection with Fasciolopsis buski. It is contracted by ingestion of plants grown in water infested by the intermediate host, snails.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, anasarca, and eosinophilia.
(făs″ē-ō-lŏp′sĭs) A trematode (fluke) that infests the intestinal tract of certain mammals including humans. Symptoms include vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea alternating with constipation. The number of flukes present may be sufficient to cause intestinal obstruction. The disease occurs in Asia, including central and southern China. SEE: illus.; fasciolopsiasis.
(făsh′ē-ō-plăs″tē) [L. fasciola, a band, + Gr. plassein, to form] Plastic operation on a fascia.
(făsh-ē-or′ă-fē) [″ + Gr. rhaphe, seam, ridge] Suturing of a fascia.
(făsh-ē-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + Gr. tome, incision] Surgical incision and division of a fascia.
Fellow of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
[AS. faest, fixed] Resistant to the effects or action of a chemical substance.
[Old English fæstan, to hold fast] Abstention from food, usually voluntary.
In microbiology, concerning an organism that has precise nutritional and environmental requirements for growth and survival.
(fa-stij′ē-ŭm) [L. fastigium, ridge] 1. The highest point. 2. The fullest point of development of acute, infectious diseases when the temperature reaches the maximum. 3. The most posterior portion of the fourth ventricle, formed by the junction of the anterior and posterior medullary vela projecting into the medullary substance of the cerebellum of the brain.
[AS. faestan, to hold fast] Going without food or other nutritional support. This forces the body to catabolize its own glycogen, fat, and protein reserves in order to produce glucose. The products of incomplete fat ...