A team of specially trained personnel who isolate and remove people from a high-risk environment. Extraction teams are used in both psychiatric and infectious (public health) emergency care.
(ek-strak′tiv) A substance that has been extracted or removed.
(ĕks-trăk′tor) An instrument for removing foreign bodies. Varieties include esophageal, throat, bronchial, and tissue extractors.
(eks″tră-sis′tik) [extra- + cystic] Located outside of or being unrelated to a bladder or cystic tumor.
(ĕks-tră-door′ăl) [extra- + dural] 1. Located on the outer side of the dura mater. 2. Unconnected with the dura mater.
(eks″tră-em″brē-on′ik) [extra- + embryonic] Located apart from and outside the embryo; pert. to the amnion.
(ek″stră-fū′zăl) SEE: under fiber.
(eks″tră-jĕn′ĭt-ăl) [extra- + genital] Located outside of or being unrelated to the genital organs.
(eks″tră-hĕ-pat′ik) [extra-+ hepatic] Located outside of or being unrelated to the liver.
(eks″tră-marj ĭ-năl) [extra- + marginal] Pert. to subliminal consciousness.
(ĕks″tră-măs″toyd-ī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. mastos, breast, + eidos, form, shape, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of tissues contiguous to the mastoid process.
(eks″tră-med′ŭl-er″rē) [extra- + medullary] Located outside of the medulla or the bone marrow.
(eks″tră-mūr′ăl) [extra- + mural] Located outside the wall of an organ or vessel.
(ĕks-trā′nē-ŭs) [L. extraneus, external] Outside and unrelated to an organism.
A private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to secure a business's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. It is an extension of an intranet with added security features.
(ek″stră-nōd′ăl) [extra- + nodal] Located outside a lymph node. The term is primarily used to describe a cancerous tumor that has spread beyond the outer margin of a lymph node.
(ĕks″tră-nū′klē-ăr) [L. extra, outside, + nucleus, kernel] Outside a nucleus.
(ĕks″tră-ŏk′ū-lăr) [″ + oculus, eye] Outside the eye, as in extraocular eye muscles. SEE: extraocular eye muscle. SEE: illus.
Eye globe with attachment of extraocular ...