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Emergency Nurses Association; extractable nuclear antigen.


(ĕn-ā′bĭl-mĕnt) Creation of the opportunity to participate in life tasks and occupations despite physical or mental limitations and environmental barriers.


(en-al′-ĕ-prĭl) An angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure.


(i-nam′ĕl) [Fr. émail, esmail, enamel] The hard, white, dense, inorganic substance covering the crown of the teeth. Enamel is composed of hydroxyapatite crystal, a salt that contains calcium. The crystals are arranged to form a rod. The enamel rods are organized to form the enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body. Demineralization may result in a carious lesion (cavity).

aprismatic e. A thin surface layer of the tooth, thought to be solid without individual enamel rods or prisms.

cervical e. In a healthy dentition, before any gingival disease, the enamel at the neck of the crown of the tooth where the tooth meets the gum line.

gnarled e. Enamel under the cusp of a tooth characterized by twisting, intertwining groups of enamel rods, thought to resist shearing forces.

mottled e. Discoloration and defective calcification of teeth caused by malfunctioning of ameloblasts. The defects range from minor surface irregularities to areas where no enamel forms. It may be caused by exposure to drugs, esp. fluoride, during tooth formation. SEE: fluorosis.

enamel stripping

In dentistry and orthodontics, the narrowing of a tooth by grinding away some of its enamel. It is used to create room for overcrowded teeth.

enanthem, enanthema

(en-an′thĕm, en″ a″-thē′mĕ) [Gr. en, in, + anthema, blossoming] An eruption on a mucous membrane. SEE: exanthem; Koplik's spots; rash. enanthematous (-thĕm′ă-tŭs), adj.


[Gr. enantios, face to face, opposite] Prefix meaning opposite.


(ĕn-ĕn′tē-ō-mĕr) [″ + Gr. meros, part] Enantiomorph.


(ĕn-ĕn′tē-ō-mŏrf″) One of a pair of isomers, each of which is a mirror image of the other. They may be identical in chemical characteristics, but in solution one rotates a beam of polarized light in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. Isomers are called dextro if they rotate light to the right, and levo if they rotate light to the left. SYN: enantiomer.


(en″ar″thrō′sĭs, en″ar″thrō′ sēz″) pl. enarthroses [en- + Gr. arthron, joint + -osis] Ball-and-socket joint.

en bloc

(en blok) [Fr., as a whole] As a whole; in a body; in its entirety; used to refer to surgical excision.

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