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(i-mol′yĕnt) [L. emollire, to soften] An agent that moisturizes, softens, and soothes the surface to which it is applied, usually the skin. Emollients enhance or restore the barrier functions of the skin. SEE: demulcent.


(ĕ-mō′shŏn) [L. emovere, to stir up] A mental state or feeling such as fear, hate, love, anger, grief, or joy that occurs instinctively rather than consciously. Physiological changes invariably accompany emotions, but such change may not be apparent to either the person experiencing the emotion or an observer. emotional (ĕ-mō′shŏ-năl), adj.

DISORDERS: See names of specific mood disorders for more information, e.g., depression, bipolar mood disorders.

emotional control, labile

Uncontrollable outbursts of exaggerated and involuntary emotional expression. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.


(ē″mō-tiv′ĭt-ē) One's capability for emotional response.


(em-pah′chō) [Sp. empacho, a surfeit; impacted stomach] A culture-based syndrome of gastrointestinal distress in infants and children ascribed to intestinal blockage. Symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. In some Latin American cultures, empacho is treated by a curandero or curandera (folk practitioner), who may use external massage or internal treatments, including herbal teas, commercial laxatives, or olive or castor oil. Some traditional treatments use mercury compounds or lead salts, which may poison affected infants. SEE: curanderismo.


(ĕm′pă-thē) Awareness of and insight into the feelings, emotions, and behavior of another person and their meaning and significance. It is not the same as sympathy, which is usually nonobjective and noncritical.


(-pă′thĭk), adj.


(ĕm-pĕr″ĭ-pĕ-lē′sĭs) [Gr. en, in + peri, around + poleisthai, to wander] The presence of cells of one type within the cytoplasm of cells of another lineage. One example of emperipolesis is erythrophagocytosis.


(em″fĭ-zē′mă, em″fĭ-sē′mă) [L. emphysema, fr Gr. emphysema, inflation] 1. Pathological distention of interstitial tissues by gas or air. The distention can be palpated or seen radiographically. Causes include leaking tracheostomy tubes or open pneumothoraces. 2. A chronic obstructive pulmonary disease marked by an abnormal increase in the size of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole, with destruction of the alveolar walls. These changes result in a loss of the normal elastic properties of the lungs and difficulty exhaling air. Alveolar septa are destroyed, and portions of the capillary bed are eliminated. Residual volume increases. emphysematous (em′fĭ-ze′măt-ŭs, em″fĭ-sē′măt-ŭs), adj.

INCIDENCE: More than 12 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with emphysema, but underdiagnosis is common, and the illness may affect twice that number. Women have a slightly higher rate of emphysema than men.

CAUSES: Tobacco smoking is the most ...

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