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(em″bŏ-lĭ-zā′shŏn) Obstruction of a blood vessel by intentionally injected material or by physiologic migration of loosened intravascular plaque or thrombi.

arterial e. 1. Pathological embolization within an artery, blocking blood flow. 2. Embolotherapy.

therapeutic e. Embolotherapy.

uterine artery e., uterine arterial e. The injection of particles into the uterine artery to block its blood supply. Uterine artery embolization is used as an alternative to hysterectomy in the management of uterine fibroids and, occasionally, postpartum bleeding. Complications from the procedure include pelvic pain, cramping, fever, nausea, vomiting, or occasionally uterine injury that necessitates surgical removal of the uterus. SEE: embolotherapy.

varicocele e. A treatment for varicocele in which a catheter is inserted into the femoral vein and advanced to the testicular vein, obstructing blood flow from the incompetent vessel. The radiologist may use one of several injected materials to block the responsible vein. The procedure is an alternative to surgical varicocele repair and is used principally to treat cases of male infertility.


(em″bŏ-lō-ther′ă-pē) [embolus + therapy] The use of any type of embolic material (autologus thrombus, muscle fragment, or foreign body) for therapeutic occlusion of a blood vessel. This technique is used to control bleeding, close fistulae or arteriovenous malformations, devascularize organs, and reduce tumors or varicoceles. Generally a catheter is threaded through the vascular system to the origin of the vessel to be occluded, and an agent is injected under radiographic control. SYN: arterial embolization (2).


(em′bŏ-lŭs, em′bŏ-lī″) pl. emboli [Gr. embolos, stopper] A mass of undissolved matter carried to a new location in a blood vessel or lymphatic. Emboli may be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Occlusion of vessels from emboli usually results in the development of infarcts. SEE: thrombosis; thrombus.

air e. Air embolism.

coronary e. An embolus in one of the coronary arteries. It may be a complication of arteriosclerosis and may cause angina pectoris.

pulmonary e. An embolus in the pulmonary artery or one of its branches. SEE: pulmonary embolism.


(ĕm-bŏl ĭ-sĭs) The dissolution of an embolus, esp. one due to a blood clot.


(em-brā′zhŭr) [Fr. embrasure, a window opening from within] The spillway (space) formed by the contour and position of adjacent teeth.

buccal e. The embrasure spreading toward the cheek between the molar and premolar teeth.

labial e. The embrasure opening toward the lips between the canine and incisor teeth.

lingual e. The embrasure opening to the lingual sides of the teeth.

occlusal e. The embrasure marked by the marginal ridge on the distal ...

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