(ĕ-dĕm″ă-tō-jĕn′ĭk) Causing edema.
(ēd′ĕn) An international nonprofit organization that advocates the creation of long-term care environments for older adults that emphasize aging as a period of development rather than a period of decline through the use of facility design, staff training, and a core philosophy of care.
(ē-dĕnt′ū-lŭs) Without teeth.
(ĕd′ĕ-tāt dī-sō′dē-ŭm) A chelating agent, disodium dihydrogen ethylenediaminetetra-acetate dihydrate. It is used to treat hypercalcemia.
bevel e. A tooth edge produced by beveling.
cutting e. An angled or sharpened edge for cutting, as an incisor tooth or the blade of a knife.
denture e. The margin or border of a denture.
incisal e. The sharpened edge of a tooth produced by occlusal wear; the labiolingual margin.
(ĕd′ĭ-bl) [L. edere, to eat] Suitable for food; fit to eat; nonpoisonous.
Edinger-Westphal nucleus, Westphal-Edinger nucleus
(ed′ing-ĕr-west′fal″) [Karl Westphal, Ger. neurologist, 1833–1890; Ludwig Edinger, Ger. neurologist, 1855–1918] A nucleus of the visceral motor column in the hindbrain. It lies in the midbrain tegmentum, just beneath the cerebral aqueduct and lateral to the oculomotor nucleus. This nucleus is the origin of preganglionic parasympathetic axons in the oculomotor nerve (CN III); it innervates the ciliary and pupillary constrictor muscles of the eye. SYN: accessory oculomotor nucleus.
(ē-dĭt′ŏ-sōm″) [Fr. editer, to edit + Gr. soma, body] An intracellular protein complex that processes RNA, altering it from its original form into its final, mature form.
(ĕd″rō-fō′nē-ŭm) A cholinergic drug. SEE: edrophonium test.
The use of edrophonium chloride to test for the presence of myasthenia gravis. The appropriate dose is injected intravenously; if there is no effect, a larger dose is given within 45 sec. A positive test demonstrates brief improvement in strength unaccompanied by lingual fasciculation. The test may also be used to determine an overdose of a cholinergic drug. An excessive dose of cholinergic drug produces weakness that closely resembles myasthenia. A very small dose of edrophonium chloride given intravenously worsens the weakness if it is due to cholinergic drug overdose and improves it if it is due to myasthenia gravis.
The test should not be performed unless facilities and staff for respiratory resuscitation are immediately available.