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(ĕ-kī″nŏ-kok′ŭs, ĕ-kī″nŏ-kok′sī″) pl. echinococci A tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus.


(ĕ-kī′nŏ-sīt″) [Gr. echinos, hedgehog, sea urchin + -cyte] An abnormal erythrocyte with 10 to 30 regular spiny projections on its surface, seen in heart disease, stomach cancer, kidney disease, and dehydration.


(ek″ĭ-nos′tŏ-mă) [L. echinus, fr Gr echinos, hedgehog, sea urchin + stoma, mouth] A genus of flukes characterized by a spiny body and the presence of a collar of spines near the anterior end. They are found in the intestines of many vertebrates, esp. aquatic birds. They occasionally occur as accidental parasites in humans.


(ĕ-kin′yŭ-lāt″) Echinate.

Echis carinatus

(ĕ′kĭs kă-rĭ-nā′tŭs) [Gr. echis, viper + L carina, keel] The Indian saw-scaled viper. Its venom contains a prothrombin activator, a potent anticoagulant.


(ek′ ō″) [Gr. ēkhō] A reverberating sound produced when sound waves are reflected back to their source.


(ĕk″ō-kăr′dē-ō-grăm″) The graphic record produced by echocardiography.


(ek″ō-kard″ē-og′ră-fē) [echo + cardiography] A noninvasive test that uses ultrasound to visualize cardiac structures. The chambers of the heart, ejection fraction, valves, and wall motion can be evaluated, and intracardiac masses or clots can often be seen. echocardiographic (ek″ō-kard″ē-ō-graf′ik), adj.

dobutamine stress e. ABBR: DSE. Echocardiography for coronary artery disease in which dobutamine is given to patients to increase the workload of the heart, and then the heart is evaluated with ultrasonic imaging. Regions of the heart that do not receive adequate blood flow (ischemic regions) contract poorly during the stress of the test but normally when the patient is at rest. Heart muscle that does not contract normally either at rest or with stimulation has been injured previously by myocardial infarction.

Doppler e. SEE: Doppler echocardiography.

intracardiac e. Echocardiography in which an ultrasound transducer is placed inside the heart to identify internal anatomical structures such as the crista terminalis or eustachian ridge. It can be used during catheter ablation procedures or endomyocardial biopsy.

multidimensional visualization intracardiac e. An experimental echocardiographic technique using computer technology for three-dimensional visualization of cardiac structures. This becomes four-dimensional when time is used to impart the cinematic perception of motion.

stress e. Echocardiography of segments of heart muscle that do not move properly when a patient with coronary artery disease exercises or takes a vasodilating drug, e.g., adenosine or dipyridamole. Stress-induced impairments in regional heart muscle activity are used as markers of obstructions in specific coronary arteries.

transesophageal e. ABBR: TEE. Echocardiography in which an ultrasonographic transducer is introduced into the ...

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