dysmetabolic syndrome
(dis-met″ă-bol′ik) [dys- + metabolic] Metabolic syndrome.
(dis-mē′trē-ă) [dys- + 1metro- + -ia] An inability to control the range of movement of a body part, e.g., on trying to touch an object with an index finger.
(dĭs″mĕ-trŏp′sē-ă) [″ + ″ + opsis, vision] Inability to visualize correctly the size and shape of things.
(dis″mor″fŏ-fō′bē-ă) [dys- + morpho- + -phobia] A phobia of being deformed or the illusion that one is deformed.
(dĭs′mō-tĭl″ĭ-tī) Any abnormality of smooth muscle function in the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroparesis, gastric atony, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, or biliary dyskinesia.
(dĭs″mī-ō-tō′nē-ă) [″ + mys, muscle, + tonos, tone] Muscle atony; abnormal muscle tonicity.
(dis-nō′mē-ă) An aphasia in which the patient forgets words or has difficulty finding words for written or oral expression.
(dĭs″ō-dŏn-tī′ă-sĭs) [″ + odous, tooth, + -iasis, process] Painful or difficult dentition.
(dĭs″ŏn-tō-jĕn′ĕ-sĭs) [″ + ontos, being, + gennan, to produce] Defective development of an organism, esp. of an embryo. dysontogenetic (dĭs″ŏn-tō-jĕ-nĕt′ik), adj.
(dis-ō′pē-ă, dis-op′sē-ă) [″ + opsis, vision] Defective vision.
(dis″os-tō′sĭs) [dys-, + ostosis] Defective ossification.
cleidocranial d. A congenital anomaly of bone and connective tissue characterized by cranial and facial malformation and incomplete development of the clavicles.
mandibulofacial d. A condition marked by hypoplasia of the facial bones, downward sloping of the palpebral tissues, and malformation of the ears. It occurs in two forms thought to be autosomal dominants.
maxillofacial d. Hypoplasia of the maxillae and nasal bones resulting in a flattened face, elongated nose, and small maxillary arch with crowding or malocclusion of teeth. SYN: Binder syndrome; maxillofacial syndrome. SEE: Ellis-van Creveld syndrome; Weyers acrofacial dysostosis.
(dis″pă-roo′nē-ă) [dys- + pareunos, lying beside + -ia] Pain in the labia, vagina, or pelvis during or after sexual intercourse.
ETIOLOGY: Causes are infections in the reproductive tract, inadequate vaginal lubrication, uterine myomata, endometriosis, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, psychosomatic disorders, and vaginal foreign bodies.
TREATMENT: Topically applied lidocaine jelly helps alleviate pain in some women. Counseling should also be given regarding the use of water soluble vaginal and vulvar lubrication.
(dis-pep′shă, sē-ă) [dys-...