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digitalis poisoning

SEE: poisoning, digitalis.


(dĭj″ĭ-tăl-ĭ-zā′shŭn) 1. Subjection of an organism to the action of digitalis. 2. Providing a loading dose of digoxin to a patient, to reach a therapeutic drug level rapidly.

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digital radiography

ABBR: DR; DX. Radiography using computerized acquisition of data for imaging instead of conventional or analog film and intensifying screen imaging.


(dij′ĭ-tāt″) [L. digitus, finger] Having finger-like impressions or processes.


(dij″ĭ-tā′shŏn) A finger-like process.


(dij′ĭ-tī″) Pl. of digitus.


(dij′ĭt-ĭ-form″) [digit + -form] Similar to a finger.


(dĭj-ĭ-tŏk′sĭn) A cardiotoxic glycoside obtained from various species of foxglove, used infrequently to treat heart failure and atrial arrhythmias. SEE: digitalis.

digit span test

A test of immediate memory. The patient is asked to repeat a string of numerals spoken by the examiner. The string is made progressively longer in order to determine the numerals that can be recalled. Normally six or seven numbers can be repeated. SEE: memory.

digit symbol test

A test of attention, memory, and visual-spatial processing speed in which a subject is exposed to and asked to recall the numbers 1 through 9, each of which is matched to a symbol, such as + or >. The subject is then given a scoring form, in which the numbers are displayed, and asked to draw the corresponding symbol. The test is used to identify people with dementia and other cognitive deficits. The "Symbol Digit Modality Test" is a proprietary version of this test.


(dij′ĭt-ŭs, dij′ĭ-tī″) pl. digiti [L. digitus, finger] A finger or toe; a digit.


(dī-glŏs′ē-ă) [Gr. dis, double, + glossa, tongue] The condition of having a double tongue.


(dī-glĭs′ĕr-īd) A glyceride combined with two fatty acid molecules. SEE: triglycerides.


(dij-ok′sĭn, dig-) [dig(italis) + (t)oxin] The most frequently prescribed digitalis glycoside. It may be used orally or intravenously to treat patients with congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and supraventricular tachycardias.

image In patients treated with digoxin, plasma levels should be monitored closely. Levels exceeding 1.2 ng/mL are associated with an increased risk of death.


(dī-hī′drāt″) [di- + hydrate] A compound containing two water molecules in fixed ratio to the bound molecule. SEE: ...

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