(dent′ĭ-form″) [dento- + -form] Odontoid.
(dĕn′tĭ-frĭs) [″ + fricare, to rub] A paste, liquid, gel, or powder for cleaning teeth. A dentifrice may be cosmetic or therapeutic. Cosmetic dentifrices must clean and polish; therapeutic dentifrices must reduce some disease process in the oral cavity. Each dentifrice generally contains an abrasive, water, humectants, a foaming agent, a binder, a flavoring agent, a sweetener, a therapeutic agent, a coloring material, and a preservative.
(dĕn-tĭj′ĕr-ŭs) [″ + gerere, to bear] Having or containing teeth.
(dent′ĭn, den″tēn′, den-tēn′) [L. dens, tooth] The calcified part of the tooth surrounding the pulp chamber, covered by enamel in the crown and cementum in the root area. Dentin is called primary, secondary, or reparative according to its location inside the tooth and its relative sensitivity.
sclerotic d. Areas of dentin where the tubules have been filled by mineralization, producing a denser, radiopaque dentin. It is often produced in response to caries, attrition, and abrasion.
(dĕnt′-ĭn-ăl) Pert. to dentin.
dentine hypersensitivity
Tooth pain resulting from exposure to cold temperatures, osmotic agents, e.g., sugars or other sweets, or touch. It is caused by exposure of dentinal tubules when cementum is worn off the outer layer of a tooth, e.g., in patients who have receding gums.
(dĕn″tĭn-ō-jĕn′ĕ-sĭs) [″ + genesis, generation, birth] Formation of dentin in the development of a tooth.
d. imperfecta Hereditary aplasia or hypoplasia of the enamel and dentin of a tooth, resulting in misshapen blue or brown teeth.
(dĕn′tĭ-nō′mă) [″ + Gr. oma, tumor] A tumor composed of tissues from which the teeth originate, consisting mainly of dentin.
[L. dens, tooth] ABBR: DDS, DMD. One who has been professionally trained and licensed to practice dentistry.
(dent′ĭ-strē) 1. The branch of medicine dealing with the care of the teeth and associated structures of the oral cavity. It is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums. 2. The art or profession of a dentist.
esthetic d. Any of those dental treatments that improve the location, visual appearance, and function of the teeth and jaws.
forensic d. The area of dentistry particularly related to jurisprudence; usually, the identification of unknown persons by the details of their dentition and tooth restorations.
Whereas forensic medicine often is used to establish the time and cause of death, forensic dentistry may be used to establish identity ...