(dĕm-ō-dĕk′tĭk) Concerning or caused by the mite Demodex.
(dem′ŏ-deks″, dēm′) [Gr. dēmos, fat + dex, worm] A genus of mites of the class Arachnida (order Acarina).
D. folliculorum A species that infests hair follicles and sebaceous glands of various mammals, including humans. SYN: Acarus folliculorum; follicle mite.
(dē″mŏ-graf′ik, dem″ŏ-graf′ik) 1. Pert. to demography. 2. A single social or vital statistic within a given human population, e.g., the number of marriages, births, or deaths. demographically (dē″mŏ-graf′i-k(ă-)lē, dem″ŏ-graf′i-k(ă-)lē), adv. SEE: demographics; demography.
(dē″mŏ-graf′iks, dem″ŏ-graf′iks) A quantitative description of a given population in a given region, esp. data on its age, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, employment, or other measurable social characteristics. For medical coding purposes, such data include a patient's full name, date of birth, Social Security number, current address, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), and emergency contact name(s) and phone number(s). SEE: demographic; demography.
(di-mog′ră-fē) [Gr. dēmos, people + -graphy] The statistical study of measurable characteristics a human population or of human populations. These characteristics may include population size, growth, and density; or age, race, sex, or marital status. An analysis of population-based statistics may be used to forecast health needs and the use of health services. SEE: demographic; demographics. demographer (di-mog′ră-fĕr), n.
(dĕ-mō′nē-ak″) [L. daemoniacus, fr Gr. daimoniakos, pert. to a daemon] 1. Pert. to or resembling a demon. 2. Frenzied, as if possessed by demons or evil spirits.
(dē-mōt′ĭ-vāt″) To cause loss of incentive or motivation.
(dĕ-mŭl′sĕnt) [L. demulcens, stroking softly] An oily or mucilaginous agent used to soothe or soften an irritated surface, esp. mucous membranes. SEE: emollient.
(dē-mī″ĕ-lĭ-nā′ shŏn) [de- + myelination] Destruction or removal of the myelin sheath that surrounds nerves, seen in Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and other neurological diseases.
(dē-nā′chŭr) [de- + nature] 1. In chemistry, to change the qualities of a substance, esp. to make alcohol (ethyl alcohol) unfit to drink by adding an unpleasant ingredient, e.g. methanol. 2. In biochemistry, to make a change in conditions (temperature, addition of a substance) that causes an irreversible change in the structure of a protein, usually resulting in precipitation of the protein. 2. In genetics, to separate double-stranded DNA into two complementary strands, usually with heat. denatured (dē-nā′chŭrd), adj. denaturation (dē″nā″chŭ-rā′shŏn), n.
[Gr. dendron, tree] Prefixes meaning tree.
(den′drĭ-form″) [dendr- + -form] Arborescent.