(dē-ăm′ĭ-dās) An enzyme that splits amides to form carboxylic acid and ammonia.
(dē″ăm-ĭ-dā′shŭn) The removal of an amide group by hydrolysis.
(dē-ăm′-ĭ-nās″) An enzyme that causes the removal of an amino group from organic compounds.
deamination, deaminization
(dē-am″ĭ-nā′shŏn, dē-am″ĭ-nĭ-zā′shŏn) Loss of the NH2 radical from amino compounds. Alanine can be deaminized to produce ammonia and pyruvic acid: CH3CH(NH2)COOH + O = CH3CO· COOH + NH3. Deaminization may be simple, oxidative, or hydrolytic. Oxidizing enzymes are called deaminization enzymes when the oxidation is accompanied by splitting off of amino groups. Deaminization is the first step in the use of amino acids in cell respiration; the NH2 is converted to urea.
Drug Enforcement Administration number.
(deth) Permanent cessation of all vital functions including those of the heart, lungs, and brain. SEE: table; brain d.; euthanasia; life.
SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS: The principal clinical signs of death are apnea and asystole. Other indications, including loss of cranial nerve reflexes and the cessation of the electrical activity of the brain, may be necessary for those receiving mechanical life support.
PATIENT CARE: Legal procedures and institutional protocols should be followed in the determination of death. The times of cessation of breathing and heartbeat are documented, and the physician or other legally authorized health care professional is notified and asked to certify the patient's death. The family is notified according to institutional policy, and emotional support is provided. Auxiliary equipment is removed, but the hospital identification bracelet is left in place. The body is cleansed, clean dressings are applied as necessary, and the rectum is packed with absorbent material to prevent drainage. The deceased is placed in a supine position with the limbs extended and the head slightly elevated. Dentures are inserted, if appropriate; the mouth and eyes are closed; and the body is covered to the chin with a sheet.