(sī″tō-mī′tōm) [″ + mitos, thread] The fibrils or microtubules of the cytoplasm.
(sī′tō-mĭks) [Gr. kytos, cell, + L. mistura, mixture] A mixture of cytokines containing tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1 beta, and gamma interferon.
(sī″tō-mŏj′ ŏl-ŏ-tawr″ē, -mŏ′dūl-) [″ + modulatory] Capable of altering cells, esp. their growth, immune responsiveness, or reproduction.
(sī″tō-mor-fŏl′ō-jē) [″ + morphe, form, + logos, word, reason] The study of the structure of cells.
(sī″tō-mor-fō′sĭs) [″ + ″ + osis, condition] The changes in a cell during its life cycle.
(sī′tŏn) [Gr. kytos, cell] 1. A cell. 2. The cell body of a neuron. SYN: perikaryon.
(sīt″ŏ-path′ik) [cyto- + -pathic] Damaging to cellular health. SYN: cytopathogenic.
(sī″tō-păth″ō-jĕn′ĭk) [″ + pathos, disease, + gennan, to produce] Cytopathic.
(sī″tō-păth-ŏl′ō-jē) [″ + ″ + logos, word, reason] The study of the cellular changes in disease.
(sī″tŏ-pē′nē-ă) [″ + penia, lack] Decrease in the number of the cells in blood or other tissue.
(sī″tō-făg″ō-sī-tō′sĭs) [″ + phagein, to eat, + kytos, cell, + osis, condition] Cytophagy.
(sī-tŏf′ă-jē) The destruction of other cells by phagocytes. SYN: cytophagocytosis.
(sī″tŏ-fō-tŏm′ĕ-trē) SEE: flow cytometry.
(sī″tō-fĭz-ē-ŏl′ō-jē) [″ + physis, nature, + logos, word, reason] Physiology of the cell.
(sīt′ŏ-plazm) [cyto- + -plasm] The protoplasm of a cell outside the nucleus. SYN: hyaloplasm. SEE: cell. cytoplasmic (sīt″ŏ-plaz′mik), adj.
(sī′tō-plăst) The cytoplasm of a cell as distinguished from the contents of the nucleus.
(sī″tō-prō-tĕk′tĭv) [Gr. kytos, cell, + L.L. protegere, to protect, to cover] Capable of shielding cells from injury, e.g., damage from electrolyte disturbance, infection, ischemia, or toxins.
(sīt″ō-rĕ-dŭk′shŏn) [cyto- + oreduction] 1. Cellular killing, usually of cancerous cell clones, with chemotherapy. 2. In surgery for cancer, debulking. cytoreductive (sīt″ō-rĕ-dŭk′-tĭv), adj.
(sī-tŏs′kō-pē) [″ + skopein, to examine] Microscopic examination of cells for diagnostic purposes.
(sī′tō-sĭn) C4H5N3O; a pyrimidine base that is part of DNA and RNA. In DNA it is paired with guanine.