(kū-tĭ-zā′shŭn) Skinlike changes in a mucous membrane as a result of continued inflammation.
(kŭt′of″) In laboratory testing, the threshold value that distinguishes a positive test result from a negative one. SYN: breakpoint.
Laceration of the throat. The seriousness of the injury depends on the angle of thrust of the cutting object, the location of the injury, and the amount of tissue damage.
PATIENT CARE: The patient should be transported to the nearest trauma center for evaluation. If there is evidence of bleeding into the airway, the patient should be positioned so that blood is not aspirated. Suction devices should be available at the bedside. If the trachea is severed, it should be kept open and free of clots. Bleeding sites should be compressed until definitive therapy is available. Vital signs and cardiac rhythms should be continuously monitored. For patients who cannot protect their airways, intubation and mechanical ventilation are required.
(kū-vĕt′) [Fr. cuve, a tub] A small transparent glass or plastic container, esp. one used to hold liquids to be examined photometrically.
coefficient of variation.
Cerebrovascular accident.
common variable immunodeficiency.
Chorionic villus sampling.
(sī″ăn-hē″mō-glō′bĭn) Hemoglobin combined with cyanide.
(sī′ă-nīd″) [cyan- + -ide] A compound containing the radical – CN, such as potassium cyanide (KCN), or sodium cyanide (NaCN). It is a potent toxin that interrupts cellular respiration.
cyanide-nitroprusside test
A urinary colorimetric test to detect abnormal concentrations of sulfur-containing amino acids, e.g., in the diagnosis of homocystinuria.
(sī″ăn-mĕt″hē-mō-glō′bĭn) Combination of cyanide and methemoglobin.
[Gr. kyanos, cyanus; dark blue substance] Prefixes meaning blue.
cyanoacrylate adhesive
(sī″ă-nō-ak′rĭ-lāt″, sī-an″ō-) [cyan(ide) + acrylate ] Any of the monomers of N-alkyl cyanoacrylate used as a tissue adhesive in the repair of simple lacerations, e.g., of the arms or legs. Commercially available versions are called superglue.
Superglues can cause tissues to adhere firmly to each other. They should not be used near the ...