(kŭr-kŭm′ĭn) [Curcuma, genus name of the ginger family + -in] ABBR: CMN. A yellow compound (diferuloylmethane) found in the spice turmeric. It is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and has been used on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years to treat a variety of illnesses.
(kĕrd) [ME] Milk that has been curdled (usually by an acid such as vinegar or rennet). This produces a mass of casein, a dairy protein. Cottage cheese and paneer are both examples of curd.
[L. cura, care] 1. A course of treatment to restore health. 2. Restoration to health.
(kū-rĕt′) [Fr. curette, a cleanser] 1. A spoon-shaped scraping instrument for removing tissue matter from a cavity. 2. In dentistry, one of a variety of sharp instruments used to remove calculus and to smooth tooth roots or to remove soft tissues from a periodontal pocket or extraction site.
Gracey c. A curet used to remove subgingival calculus from a tooth during periodontal débridement.
(kū″rĕ-tăzh′) [Fr.] 1. Scraping of a cavity. SYN: curettement. 2. The use of a curet in removal of necrotic tissue from around the tooth, dental granulomata, or cysts and tissue fragments or debris from the bony socket after tooth extraction; also called débridement.
periapical c. Use of a curet to remove pathological tissues from around the apex of the tooth root.
suction c. Vacuum aspiration.
uterine c. Scraping to remove the contents of the lining of the uterus. This procedure is used to evacuate the uterus following inevitable or incomplete abortion, to produce abortion, to obtain specimens for use in diagnosis, and to remove growths, such as polyps.
PATIENT CARE: Preoperative: The health care provider explains and clarifies the procedure, answers any questions, and describes expected sensations. Physical preparation of the patient is completed according to protocol, and the patient is placed in the lithotomy position. Asepsis is maintained throughout the procedure.
Postoperative: Vital signs are monitored until they are stable, and the patient is monitored until she is able to tolerate liquids by mouth and to urinate without difficulty. A perineal pad count is performed to determine the extent of uterine bleeding, and excessive bleeding is documented and reported to the health care provider. Prescribed analgesics are administered to relieve pain and discomfort. Before discharge, the patient is instructed to report profuse bleeding immediately; to report any bleeding lasting longer than 10 days; to avoid use of tampons, diaphragms, and douches; and to report severe pain and signs of infection such as fever or foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Gradual resumption of usual activities is encouraged as long as ...