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(krī′ō-jĕn) [″ + gennan, to produce] A substance that produces low temperatures.


(krī″ō-jĕn′ĭk) Producing or pert. to low temperatures. SEE: illus.




Insulated glove for use while handling very cold materials used in cryogenic applications


(krī″ō-glob′yŭ-lĭn) [cryo- + globulin] ABBR: CG. An abnormal globulin that precipitates when cooled and dissolves when reheated to body temperature. Cryoglobulins are usually composed of IgM (immunoglobulin M), or less commonly IgE or IgA molecules. They may form in response to some viral infections, esp. to chronic infection by hepatitis C virus. They may increase the viscosity of blood and contribute to organ ischemia or infarction.


(krī″ō-glŏb″ū-lĭn-ē′mē-ă) [″ + ″ + Gr. haima, blood] The presence in the blood of an abnormal protein that forms gels at low temperatures. It is found in association with pathological conditions such as hepatitis C viral infection, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and certain forms of pneumonia.


(krī″ō-hī″pō-fĭz-ĕk′tō-mē) [Gr. kryos, cold, + hypo, under, + physis, growth, + ektome, excision] Destruction of the hypophysis by the use of cold.


(krī″ō-kĭ-nĕt′ĭks) [″ + kinesis, motion] The therapeutic use of cold (such as ice packs or ice immersion) before active exercise. The application of cold increases the amount of motion that is available to a joint by decreasing pain. Active exercise increases range of motion, improves tissue tensile strength, and enhances healing. SEE: cryotherapy.

TREATMENT: Cold therapy is administered to the patient until skin numbness is reported. Non-weight-bearing or weight-bearing exercises are then implemented without causing pain.

image This technique should not be used in patients for whom cold application cryotherapy or active exercise is contraindicated.


(krī′ō-lē″zhŭn) 1. The cooling of an area in order to injure or destroy it. SYN: cryotherapy. 2. A lesion produced by exposure to cold, e.g., frostbite.


(krī″ō-noo-rol′ĭ-sĭs) [cryo- + neurolysis] The destruction of a nerve by applying a very cold probe to it, e.g., one whose temperature is −321°F (the temperature of liquid nitrogen). It is one of the methods of neurolysis to treat intolerable nerve pain.


(krī″ō-fil′ik) [cryo- + -philic] Psychrophilic.

cryo-poor plasma



(krī″ō-prē-sĭp′ĭ-tāt) 1. The precipitate formed when serum from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hepatitis C infection, and other chronic diseases in which immune complexes are found. It is stored at 4°C. 2. A ...

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