Ciprofloxacin-resistant E. coli.
(krĕ-dā′) Carl Siegmund Franz Credé, Ger. gynecologist and obstetrician, 1819–1892.
C. maneuver SEE: Credé method (3).
C. method 1. Expulsion of the placenta by downward pressure on the uterus through the abdominal wall with the thumb on the posterior surface of the fundus uteri and the flat of the hand on the anterior surface, with the pressure being applied in the direction of the birth canal. This may cause inversion of the uterus if done improperly. 2. For treatment of the eyes of the newborn, the use of 1% silver nitrate solution instilled into the eyes immediately after birth for the prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum (gonorrheal ophthalmia). 3. For emptying a flaccid bladder, application of pressure over the symphysis pubis for periodic expulsion of urine. This technique is sometimes used therapeutically to initiate voiding in bladder retention in those with paralysis following spinal cord injury (neurogenic bladder). SYN: Credé maneuver.
(kri-den′shăl) [L. credentia, trust, credit + -al] 1. Recognition by licensure, certification, or award of a degree in a field in which a person has met certain educational, professional, or occupational requirements. 2. Evidence or testimony, usually written, of such licensure, certification, or award of a degree. 3. To issue or grant such licensure, certification, or award of a degree. credentialed, adj. credentialing, n.
(krēp) The time-dependent plastic deformation of a material under a static load or constant stress. In dentistry, creep may be destructive to dental amalgam restoration. In osteopathic medicine, creep may alter the responsiveness of tissues to the application of repetitively applied tissue loads or tension.
Moving slowly, and close to the surface. In pediatrics, dragging oneself along the floor, a form of locomotion that precedes crawling.
(krĭ-mānz′) [contraction of cremated remains] That which remains after the body has been prepared for burial by cremation.
(krē-mas′tĕr, krĕ-mas′tĕr) [L. cremaster, fr Gr. kremastēr, suspender] One of the fascia-like muscles inside the middle layer of the spermatic cord (in males) and the round ligament (in females). cremasteric (krē″ma-ster′ik), adj.
(krē′māt″, kri-māt′) [L. cremare, to burn to ashes] To reduce a dead body to ash by burning. cremation (kri-mā′shŏn), n.
(krē″mă-tō′rē-ŭm) [L.] A place for the burning of corpses.
(krē′nāt) [L. crenatus] Notched or scalloped, as a crenated condition of blood corpuscles.
(krē-nā′shŭn) The conversion of normally round red corpuscles into shrunken, knobbed, starry ...