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core link

In osteopathic medicine the hypothesis that manipulation of the cranial sutures results in subtle movements of the sacrum.


(kor-ĕl′ĭ-sĭs) [″ + lysis, dissolution] Obliteration of the pupil caused by adhesions of the iris to the cornea.


(kor″ē-mor-fō′sĭs) [″ + morphe, form, + osis, condition] Establishment of an artificial pupil.


(kō′rē-ō-plăs″tē) [″ + plassein, to form] Any operation for forming an artificial pupil.


(kō″rē-prĕs′sor) The substance capable of activating the repressor produced by a regulator gene.


(kor″ē-stĕn-ō′mă) [″ + stenoma, contraction] Narrowing of the pupil.

c. congenitum Partial congenital obliteration of the pupil by outgrowths from the iris that form a partial gridlike covering over the pupil.

core value

A fundamental idea that unites individuals and defines the efforts and goals of the institution for which they work. In health care, core values include devotion and service to others, lifelong learning, and a dedication to ongoing improvement of quality.


Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility.

Cori cycle

(kō′rē) [Carl Ferdinand Cori, Czech-born U.S. physician and biochemist, 1896–1984; Gerty T. Cori, Czech-born U.S. biochemist, 1896–1957] The cycle in carbohydrate metabolism in which muscle glycogen breaks down, forms lactic acid, which enters the bloodstream and is converted to liver glycogen. Liver glycogen then breaks down into glucose, which is carried to muscles, where it is reconverted to muscle glycogen.


(kăwr′ĭng) [ME.] The operative removal of a plug or wedge of tissue, e.g., with a hollow surgical instrument.


(kō′rē-ŭm) pl. coria [L., skin] Dermis. SEE: skin for illus.


(korm) [Gr. kormos, a trimmed tree trunk] A short, bulb-shaped underground stem of a plant such as the autumn crocus.


[L. cornu, horn] A horny induration and thickening of the skin that may be hard or soft according to location. It is usually caused by the pressure or friction from poorly fitting shoes. SEE: clavus.

SYMPTOMS: Hard corns on exposed surfaces have a horny, conical core extending into the dermis, causing pain and irritation. Soft corns occur between the toes and are kept soft by moisture and maceration. They may occasionally become infected.

TREATMENT: Properly fitting shoes should be worn to reduce friction on the foot. Spongy materials or pads that limit friction prevent the foot from abrasion. Keratolytic agents are used to remove corns. A podiatrist may ...

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