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(kŏn-vŭl′sĭv) Pert. to convulsions.


[L. coquere, to cook] The process of heating foods to prepare them for eating. Cooking makes most foods more palatable and easier to chew, improves their digestibility (and sometimes their nutrient bioavailability), and destroys or inactivates harmful organisms, or toxins that may be present. Cooking releases the aromatic substances and extractives that contribute odors and taste to foods. These odors help to stimulate the appetite.

image Not all toxic substances are inactivated by heat. Most microorganisms and parasites are destroyed in the ordinary process of cooking when the food is heated to internal temperatures of 160°F to 175°F. Pork must be cooked completely throughout to kill the encysted larvae of Trichinella.

ACTION: Protein: Soluble proteins become coagulated. Soluble substances: These, including heat-labile vitamins, are often inactivated by boiling, and even mineral substances and starches, although insoluble to a certain extent, may be altered in this process. Starch: The starch granules swell and are changed from insoluble (raw) starch to soluble starch capable of being converted into sugar during digestion and of being assimilated in the system.


(kool′down″) Any low-impact, low intensity movement, such as walking, stretching, or casually performed calisthenics, performed after vigorous exercise. It allows body temperature to fall gradually, returns blood from skeletal muscles to the central circulation, and decreases muscle lactate concentrations. cool-down, adj.

Cooley anemia

(kool′ē) [Thomas Benton Cooley, U.S. pediatrician, 1871–1945] Beta-thalassemia major.

Coolidge tube

(koo′lĭj) [William D. Coolidge, U.S. physicist and chemist, 1873–1975] A kind of hot-cathode tube that is so highly exhausted that the residual gas plays no part in the production of the cathode stream, and that is regulated by variable heating of the cathode filament.


(kool′ing) 1. A reduction in temperature, e.g., of a patient, a laboratory sample, or a chemical reagent. 2. An informal term for induced hypothermia. SEE: under hypothermia.

endovascular c. Reducing body temperature by infusing chilled intravenous fluids.

evaporative c. (ĕ-vap′ŏ-rā″tiv, -ŏ-ră-tiv) Reducing the body temperature of a patient with fever or heat stroke by spraying his or her skin with mist and then fanning the patient.

surface c. Reducing body temperature with cold packs, blankets, or fluids applied to the skin.

cooling blanket

(kool′ing) Hypothermia blanket.

Coomassie blue

(kū′mă-sē) [Kumasi, Ghana (proprietary name)] Anazolene sodium, a stain used to demonstrate proteins, e.g., in protein electrophoretic gels.

Coombs test

(Koomz) [R.R.A. Coombs, Brit. immunologist, 1921–2006] A laboratory test for the presence of antibodies, usually blood type antibodies, in ...

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