(kŏ-nek′tōm″) [connect, connect(ion) + -ome] 1. Any of the synapses of the brain. 2. The networks that comprise the nervous system. They are used for the measurement and study of the range of linkages and networking between different parts of the central nervous system.
(kŏ-nek″tom′iks) [connect(ion) -omics] The study of connectomes. SEE: connectome.
(kŏn-ĕks′ŭn) A protein that forms tunnels across gap junctions, enabling ions or small molecules, such as glucose, to pass from one cell to another.
(kon) [J.W. Conn, U.S. physician, 1907–1981] Primary hyperaldosteronism. Clinical findings include muscle weakness, polyuria, hypertension, hypokalemia, and alkalosis associated with an abnormally high rate of aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex. SEE: Nursing Diagnoses Appendix.
(kŏ-noyd′ē-ă) A superfamily of predatory marine snails that includes the family Turridae (turrids) and the subfamily Coninae (the cones or cone snails). conoidean (kŏ-noyd′ē-ăn), adj.
(kō″nō-tŏks′ĭn) [Gr. konos, cone + ″] Any of a group of poisonous peptides made by mollusks known as cone snails. Conotoxins are potent nerve toxins and are considered to be potential biological or chemical warfare agents. Some conotoxins may also be used to treat neuropathic pain.
(kō″nō-trŭng′kŭs) [conus + truncus] In the embryo, the segment of the heart tube destined to be partitioned and to form the two ventricular outflow segments, to the aorta on the left and to the pulmonary trunk on the right. Conotruncal heart defects interfere with normal blood flow out of the heart or great vessels and are the most common causes of congenital cyanotic heart disease. SYN: bulbus cordis. conotruncal (kō″nō-trŭng′kăl), adj.
coagulase-negative staphylococci. CONS include Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. lugdenensis. CoNS are commonly isolated from bacterial cultures. Some isolates represent colonization or contamination of the culture rather than infection.
(kon″san″gwin′ĭt-ē, kon″ sang″gwin′ĭt-ē) [L. consanguinitas, kinship] Relationship by blood, i.e., descent from a common ancestor. consanguine, consanguineous (kon″sang′gwin, kon″san″gwin′ē-ŭs, kon″sang″gwin′ē-ŭs), adj.
(kon′shĕns) [L. conscientia, knowledge, awareness, conscience] One's inner sense of what is right, wrong, or fair, esp. regarding relations with people or society. This sense can inhibit or reinforce the individual's actions and thoughts. In psychoanalytic theory, the conscience is known as the superego. SEE: superego.
(kŏn′shŭs) [L. conscius, aware] Being aware and having perception; awake. SEE: coma.
(kon′chŭs-nĕs) Arousal accompanied by awareness of one's environment. In practice, consciousness is said to be present when a person is ...