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(kŏn-fĭn′mĕnt) [O.Fr. confiner, to restrain in a place] 1. Historically, the 6-week period between the day of parturition and the end of the puerperium when women were expected to absent themselves from society, remain at home to recover, and be cared for by their family members. 2. Hospitalization, esp. for labor and delivery. 3. The experience of being restrained to a physical space in order to limit activity.


(kŏn-fĭrm′) [L. confirmare, to strengthen] To show by repetition of a test (or with a complementary test) that a result initially obtained is accurate. confirmation, n. confirmatory, adj.

confirmation bias

(kon″fĭr-mā′shŏn) An error in diagnostic thinking in which one sees only those patterns in the data that support one's preconceptions.

confirmatory test

(kŏn-fĭr′mă-tor″ē) An examination used to validate the results obtained by another. The confirmatory examination may be more sensitive or specific but must be based on different examining principles.


(kon′fĭs-kāt″) [L. confiscare, to seize for the public treasury] To seize private property, e.g., as a protective measure in a public health emergency such as an epidemic. confiscation (kon″fĭs-kā′shŏn), n.


(kon′flikt″) [L. confligere, to contend] 1. The opposing action of incompatible substances. 2. In psychiatry, the conscious or unconscious struggle between two opposing desires or courses of action, as when social goals dictate behavior contrary to more primitive desires.

conflict of interest

Prejudice or bias that may occur when one's impartiality is compromised by opportunities for personal gain or occupational advancement, or by the chance that one's work may support a favored point of view or social agenda.

conflict resolution

SEE: under resolution.

confluence of sinuses

(kon′floo-ĕns″) The dilated posterior end of the superior sagittal sinus in the skull. This dilation joins one of the transverse sinuses (usually the right), which drains the blood from the superior sagittal sinus toward the internal jugular vein. The other transverse sinus and the occipital sinus also connect to the confluence of the sinuses


(kŏn′floo-ĕnt) [L. confluere, to run together] Running together, or joined, as when adjacent rashes merge.


(kŏn″for-mā′shŭn) The form or shape of a part, body, material, or molecule.

conformational disease

(kon″for″mā′ shŏn-ăl) Any disease that results from the misshaping of biologically active molecules or cellular structures.


(kŏn-fownd′) [L. confundere, to confuse, to pour together] 1. To introduce bias into a research study. 2. To confuse, bewilder, or mystify. confounding, n.

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