(kō″ek″sī″tā′shŏn) Simultaneous excitation or stimulation of two parts or bodies.
(kō′făk-tor) 1. A biochemical or physiological agent that produces an effect in conjunction with other agents. 2. One of several agents in the development of an illness or epidemic.
(kŏ′ fē) The beverage made from the seed of trees of the genus Coffea, called coffee beans. Coffee has a 2500-year history of consumption. It contains numerous volatile and nonvolatile compounds, including caffeine and cafestol. Moderate consumption of caffeine is not a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, birth defects, breast disease, or cancer.
A radiologic sign consisting of a greatly distended, air-filled loop of sigmoid colon extending from the pelvis on abdominal radiography. The apposed medial walls of the dilated bowel form a distinct oblique line that resembles the cleft of a coffee bean. The coffee bean arises from the pelvis and may be very large, with its apex often extending above the level of T10 to the left or right of the midline. This sign is characteristic of sigmoid volvulus.
Coffin-Lowry syndrome
(kŏf′ĭn low′rē) A rare, X-linked genetic syndrome characterized by abnormalities of the head, face, and axial skeleton; mental retardation; short stature; and weak muscle tone.
A suffix used in pharmacology to designate a marketed blood-clotting factor.
(kō′găn) [David G. Cogan, U.S. ophthalmologist, 1908–1993] Interstitial keratitis associated with tinnitus, vertigo, and usually deafness.
(kog-nĭsh′ŏn) [L. cognitio, knowledge] Thinking skills, including language use, calculation, perception, memory, awareness, reasoning, judgment, learning, intellect, social skills, and imagination. cognitive (kog′nĭt-iv), adj.
cognitive behavioral therapy
ABBR: CBT. A form of psychotherapy that challenges patients to identify and learn from their ineffective patterns of behavior by consciously choosing to make healthy changes in them.
cognitively impaired, no dementia, cognitive impairment, not dementia
ABBR: CIND. Mild cognitive impairment.
cognitive processing therapy
ABBR: CPT. A treatment for victims of sexual assault who have posttraumatic stress disorder. The victim is taught to identify how his or her attitudes and beliefs before the sexual assault (as of safety or invulnerability) have changed because of the assault, and how the dissonance between the victim's former world and the present one creates fear, anxiety, depression, and avoidance. The victim next writes a detailed account of the sexual assault and, through repeated rereading of the event aloud to others and while alone, learns to desensitize herself or himself to the psychological impact of the assault.