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(kō-ăg′yŭ-lāt″ŏr) 1. A surgical device that uses electrical current, light energy, etc., to stop bleeding. 2. A pharmacological substance to induce hemostasis or solidification of proteinaceous fluids.

argon beam c., argon plasma c. A monopolar electrosurgical unit that uses radiofrequency current to ionize inert gas to cut or coagulate tissue. The gas jet disperses blood and debris from the targeted tissue without contacting the tissue. It causes less tissue damage and less of a plume than traditional electrosurgical units do. It is often used during endoscopy.

image The patient must be grounded with a return electrode when this monopolar device is in use.

image Take care to avoid use on large open blood vessels in order to reduce the risk of gas embolism.

infrared c. A surgical instrument that focuses infrared light energy to cut or damage tissues or to stop bleeding. The device has been used in skin surgery, hair transplantation, ablation of abnormal cardiac conduction pathways, and treatment of internal hemorrhoids, among other applications.

microwave c. A surgical instrument that focuses microwave energy through an antenna to cut or cauterize tissue. The device can be used in open or laparoscopic surgeries.


(kō-ag″yŭ-lom″ĕt-ĕr) [coagul(ate) + -meter] A device that measures the time it takes for a sample of blood to clot. It is often used in point-of-care testing, esp. in monitoring and adjusting warfarin dosages for anticoagulated patients.


(kō-ag″yŭ-lop′ă-thē) [coagul(ation) + -pathy] A defect in blood-clotting, esp. one that results in abnormal bleeding or thrombus formation. Laboratory evidence of coagulopathy includes prolongation of the prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, partial thromboplastin time, or a decrease in the number of circulating platelets. SEE: blood coagulation.

consumption c. Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

dilutional c. Depletion of clotting factors that results from major hemorrhage followed by massive transfusion with red blood cells.

hypothermia-induced c. A reduction in normal blood clotting caused by decreased body temperatures.


(kō-ăg′ū-lŭm) pl. coagula [L. coagulatio, clotting] A coagulated mass, clot, or precipitate.


(kō-ăl-ĕs) [L. coalescere] To fuse; to run or grow together.


(kō-ă-lĕs′ĕns) 1. The fusion or growing together of two or more body parts. 2. The mixture or combination of fluids or particles. 3. In speech, the blurring of two verbal sounds together, sometimes in a way that makes them unintelligible.

coal worker's pneumoconiosis

ABBR: CWP. Black lung.

coanalgesic, co-analgesic

(kō″an″ăl-jē′ zik) Adjuvant analgesic.

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