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(sĭ-rŏt′ĭk) Pert. to or affected with cirrhosis.


(sĕr-sĕk′tō-mē) [Gr. kirsos, varix, + ektome, excision] Excision (of a portion) of a varicose vein.


(sĕr′soyd) Varicose.


(sĕr-sŏt′ō-mē) Incision of a varicose vein.


central inhibitory state.


(sĭs) [L., on the same side] In organic chemistry, a form of isomerism in which similar atoms or radicals are on the same side. In genetics, a prefix meaning the location of two or more genes on the same chromosome of a homologous pair.


clinically isolated syndrome.


Critical incident stress debriefing; critical incident stress defusing.

cisplatin, cis-platinum

(sĭs′plă-tĭn) A drug used to treat cancers, esp. solid tumors such as testicular and ovarian carcinoma. Common side effects of this drug include severe nausea and vomiting and renal failure.


(sĭs′rĕt′ĭ-năl, rĕt″năl) [L. prefix cis-, this side of + ″] The form of retinal combined with a glycoprotein opsin (rhodopsin in rods) during darkness. Light striking the retina changes it to trans-retinal and begins the generation of a nerve impulse.


(sis′tĕrn) [cisterna] A reservoir for storing fluid.

cerebellomedullary c. Cisterna magna.

lumbar c. In the subarachnoid space of the vertebral column, the fluid-filled cistern between the end of the spinal cord (vertebral level L1-L2 in adults) and the end of the arachnoid-dural membrane (vertebral level S2).

subarachnoid c. Any of the cisterns at the base of the brain where the arachnoid becomes widely separated from the pia, giving rise to large cavities.


(sis-tĕr′nă) [L. cisterna, underground reservoir] A reservoir or cavity.

c. chyli A saclike lymphatic vessel that is anterior to the second lumbar vertebra and is the origin of the thoracic duct. The intestinal and right and left lumbar lymphatic trunks empty into it.

c. magna The cranial subarachnoid space between the medulla and the cerebellum into which the foramina of the fourth ventricle open. Cerebrospinal fluid flows from it into the spinal subarachnoid space. SYN: cerebellomedullary cistern.


(sis-tĕr′năl), adj.


(sis″tĕr-nog′ră-fē) [cistern + -graphy] Radiographic evaluation of the basal cisterns of the brain and of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, e.g., with magnetic resonance imaging or an injected radioisotope. It is used to detect cerebrospinal fluid leaks, to visualize ...

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