circulation, motion, sensation
ABBR: CMS. An assessment of the neurological and vascular health of a body part; specifically, of its capillary refill, pulses, motor function, and sense of touch. Serial assessments of CMS are particularly important to perform in certain clinical settings, such as in patients with progressive or rapidly changing neurological diseases, or in patients who have had vascular or endovascular surgery. Patients with compromised arterial blood flow to a limb, for example, may have pale or dusky extremities with delayed return of color after pressure is applied to the skin. Another example: patients with diabetic neuropathy may have diminished proprioception, or decreased awareness of vibration and light touch in their feet and sometimes their hands.
Access standards for designing the way of passage, whether exterior or interior, for pedestrians regardless of their ability.
The minute volume or output of the heart per minute. In an average-sized adult with a pulse rate of 70, the amount is about 3 L/sq m of body surface each minute.
(sĭr″kū-lă-tōr′ē) Pert. to circulation.
circulatory inadequacy
A system concerned with circulation of body fluids. It includes the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
[L. circum, around, about, all around] Prefix meaning around.
(sĭr″kŭm-ā′năl) Around the anus.
(sĭr″kŭm-sizh′ŏn) [L. circumcisio, a cutting around] Surgical removal of genital foreskin.
female c. Female genital mutilation.
male c. Surgical removal of the end of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision usually is performed at the request of the parents, in some cases for religious reasons. Considerable controversy exists whether the procedure has medical benefits: some authorities suggest that circumcision is associated with a reduced risk of HIV infection, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and penile carcinoma. Other authorities dispute these findings, suggesting that the procedure may have adverse effects on sexual, emotional, or psychological health. If the procedure is performed, anesthesia should always be used.
PATIENT CARE: Preoperative: The procedure and expected sensations are explained to the patient or his parents. Adult patients should be reassured that the procedure will not interfere with urinary, sexual, or reproductive function. Necessary equipment, including a restraining board for the newborn, and appropriate anesthetics are assembled. The newborn should not receive food within 1 hr before the procedure.
Postoperative: Vital signs ...