(kī-″lĕk-trō′pē-ŏn) Cheilectropion.
(kēl″yă-dēt′ē) [Demetrios Chilaiditi, Viennese-born Gr. radiologist, b. 1883] The abnormal positioning of the large bowel between the liver and the diaphragm.
(chĭl) [AS. cele, cold] Involuntary, rapid contraction of muscle groups (shivering) accompanied by the sensation of cold, or the sensation of being cold without shivering. It may be caused by a rising fever associated with an infection, a hypersensitivity reaction to drugs or blood transfusions, exposure to cold temperatures, or a neuroendocrine disturbance in the temperature-regulating centers of the hypothalamus. Severe chills accompanied by violent shaking of the body are called rigors.
chilo-, chil-, cheil-, cheilo-
[Gr. cheilos, lip] Prefixes meaning lip.
(kī″lō-măs′tĭks mĕs-nĭl′ē) A species of Mastigophora that is usually nonpathogenic but can cause diarrhea in humans.
(kī-mē′ră) 1. A tissue in which two distinct forms of DNA are present. 2. The conjugation of two different drugs, cells, proteins, or organisms. 3. A double-egg twin whose blood and blast cells have been mixed in embryo with those of the other twin.
(chim″pan″zē′) An anthropoid ape (Pan troglodytes) native to parts of Africa. The DNA of humans and chimps is closely matched.
(chin) The point of the lower jaw below the lower lip.
Children's Health Insurance Program.
(chip′mŭngk″) a small, striped, omnivorous rodent (Tamias dorsalis) that resembles a squirrel and may serve as a vector of several arthopod-borne diseases.
[computed tomography in head injury patients] A diagnostic prediction rule used to determine if a patient with a minor head injury would benefit from emergent CT imaging of the brain. Low-risk patients are those who have a Glascow Coma Scale (GCS) of 15 and no history of loss of consciousness, amnesia, vomiting, or generalized headache. These patients do not need neuroimaging in the Emergency Department and can be discharged home with follow-up. Patients who are over 60 or who have a history of alcohol or drug use, epilepsy, or coagulopathy are considered high risk regardless of their GCS. Those with intermediate GCS values are considered to have medium-risk mild head injuries.
(kī-răg′ră) [Gr. cheir, hand, + agra, seizure] Pain in the hand.
(kī-răl′ĭ-tē) [Gr. cheir, hand] The geometric distinctness of an object from its mirror image. Examples include chemicals with "left-" and ...