(sĕ-rām′ĭ-dās″, -dāz″) [ceramide + -ase] A lysosomal enzyme that partcipates in the metabolism of fatty components of cell membranes. SEE: sphingolipid.
(sĕr′ă-mīd) A class of lipids that do not contain glycerol. They are derived from a sphingosine. Glycosphingolipids and sphingomyelins are derived from ceramides.
c. oligosaccharides A class of glycosphingolipids.
(sĕ-ras′tēz) [Gr. kerastēs, horned serpent] A genus of venomous vipers native to the desert and semidesert regions of North Africa eastward through Arabia and Iran. SYN: horned viper.
(sĕr-kar′ē-ă, sĕr-kar′ē-ē″) pl. cercariae [Gr. kerkos, tail] A free-swimming stage in the development of a fluke or trematode. Cercariae develop within sporocysts or rediae that parasitize snails or bivalve mollusks. They emerge from the mollusk and either enter their final host directly or encyst in an intermediate host that is ingested by the final host. In the latter case, the encysted tailless form is known as a metacercaria. SEE: fluke; trematode.
(sĕr-kar′ē-ē″) Plural of cercaria.
(sĕr-kă′rĭ-sīd″) An agent that is lethal to cercaria.
(ser-klazh′) [Fr. cerclage, hooping] Encircling tissues with a ligature, wire, or loop.
cervical c. The use of ligatures around the cervix uteri to treat cervical incompetence during pregnancy. It is usually performed between 12 to 14 weeks before the cervix has begun to thin or dilate and is removed toward the end of pregnancy. SEE: Shirodkar operation.
(sĕr-kŏm′ō-năs) [Gr. kerkos, tail, + monas, unit] A genus of free-living flagellate protozoa.
(sĕr″kō-mō-nī′ă-sĭs) Infestation with Cercomonas intestinalis.
(sĕr′kŭs) pl. cerci [L., tail] A hairlike structure.
(sēr′ē-ăl) [L. cerealis, of grain] An edible seed or grain, containing approximately 70% to 80% carbohydrate by weight and 8% to 15% protein. Many cereals also provide significant dietary fiber. Common cereals include barley, oats, rice, and wheat.
cerebell-, cerebelli-, cerebello-
[L. cerebellum, little brain, a diminutive of cerebrum, brain] Prefixes meaning cerebellum or cerebellar.
(sĕr″ĕ-bĕl-ĭ-fū′găl) [L. cerebellum, little brain, + fugere, to flee] Extending or proceeding from the cerebellum.
(sĕr″ĕ-bĕl-lĭp′ĭ-tăl) [″ + petere, to seek] Extending toward the cerebellum.
(sĕr″ĕ-bĕl-ī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the cerebellum.