cauda equina syndrome
(ek-wē′nă, ē-kwī′nă) A syndrome marked by loss of control of bowel or bladder function, sexual dysfunction, and paraplegia, caused by injury to or compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord below the level of the conus medullaris (the first lumbar nerve). The compression on the spinal cord may be caused by tumors, infections, herniated disks, or stenosis of the spinal canal.
(kod′ăl) [L. caudalis fr. L. cauda, tail] 1. Pert. to a cauda (tail) or tail-like structure. 2. Toward the tail end of the organism.
(kaw′dāt) [L. caudatus] Possessing a tail.
(kawl) [O.Fr. cale, a small cap] Membranes or portions of the amnion covering the head of the fetus at birth.
Caulobacter crescentus
(kawl-ŏ-băk′tĕr krĕ-sĕn′tŭs) A single-celled slightly curved bacterium that thrives in watery environments. It exists in two forms: a flagellated swarmer cell, and a stalked cell.
Caulophyllum thalictroides
(kol″ŏ-fil′ŭm) SEE: blue cohosh.
(kaw-săl′jē-ă) [″ + algos, pain] Intense burning pain accompanied by trophic skin changes, due to injury of nerve fibers. SYN: complex regional pain syndrome, type 2.
Treatment directed toward removal of the cause of the disease.
(kawz) [L. causa] Something that brings about a particular condition, result, or effect.
antecedent c. An event or condition that predisposes to a disease or condition.
determining c. The final event or condition that brings about a disease or condition.
necessary and sufficient c. In logic, an antecedent condition that is wholly and solely capable of producing an effect.
predisposing c. Something that favors the development of a disease or condition.
proximate c. An event that immediately precedes another and is felt to be responsible for its occurrence.
remote c. An event or condition that is not immediate in its effect but predisposes to the development of a disease or condition.
ultimate c. The remote event or condition that initiated a train of events resulting in the development of a disease or condition.
(kaw′stĭk) [Gr. kaustikos, capable of burning] 1. Corrosive and burning; destructive to living tissue. 2. An agent, particularly an alkali, that destroys living tissue, e.g., silver nitrate, potassium hydroxide, nitric acid. SEE: poisoning.
[L. fr. Gr. kautēr, branding iron] Prefixes meaning heat or burn.